Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

An international independent, non-partisan, non-profit programme hosted and supported by the Gulf Research Center. The programme provides data, analyses, and recommendations contributing to the improvement of understanding and management of Gulf labour migration, population, and labour markets, engaging with and respecting the viewpoints of all stakeholders.
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Bahrain: Foreign workers in the public and private sectors by country of citizenship (selected countries, Q4 2015-Q4 2022)

  Q4 2015 Q4 2016 Q4 2017 Q4 2018 Q4 2019 Q4 2020 Q4 2021 Q4 2022  
Egypt 8,951 9,141 10,193 11,380 11,348 10,262 10,524 11,692
Jordan 3,160 3,093 3,163 3,246 3,230 2,847 2,986 3,014
Yemen 2,417 2,486 2,517 2,719 2,719 2,517 2,696 2,946
India 212,750 221,449 235,858 241,473 236,546 206,720 207,195 232,969
Bangladesh 114,886 164,377 129,729 126,967 124,257 125,855 108,642 105,962
Pakistan 42,615 44,771 45,933 43,240 45,473 45,910 48,555 60,784
Philippines 28,613 30,539 31,328 32,419 31,636 27,562 26,464 27,202
Nepal 13,882 14,178 15,711 17,168 17,559 15,852 16,936 20,048
Sri Lanka 6,051 4,271 4,103 4,046 4,017 3,513 3,252 4,419
Kenya 906 1,223 1,536 1,974 2,168 2,107 2,180 2,360
Ethiopia 874 960 1,121 1,109 1,137 1,027    
Uganda     1,390 1,435 1,780 2,255
Cameroon     990 1,020 1,593 2,037
Total 455,223 518,582 504,721 511,556 507,171 468,325 456,427 487,020

Source: BLMI, Labour Market Regulation Authority (LMRA)




  1. Technical Notes and Definitions


Data are extracted from the files submitted by Expatriate Management System (LMRA-EMS)

EMS data refer to Expat visa applications (GCC workers not included).

Data refer to foreign workers in the public and private sectors.

LMRA data do not include non-civilian employees (engaged in military, defense and other relevant entities and ranked as so).


  1. From 2008 Q2 onward, “Public sector” for non-Bahraini workers refers to workers in the “Government sector” of the Expatriate Management System (EMS) of LMRA.
  2. Private Sector” for non-Bahraini workers refers to the sum of “Commercial” and “Non-Commercial, Non-Government” (NCNG) sectors of LMRA’s EMS system.


Employment as defined by the LMRA is in line with the ILO resolution concerning statistics of the economically active population, employment, unemployment and underemployment.

It includes all persons above a specific age during a specific period either in paid employment or in self-employment and includes the following:

(a) paid employment

(a1) at work: persons who during the reference period performed some work for wage or salary, in cash or in kind, even for one hour

(a2) with a job but not at work: persons who, having already worked in their present job, were temporarily not at work during the reference period and had a formal attachment to their job

(e.g., absence because of illness or injury, holiday or vacation, strike or lockout, educational or training leave, maternity or parental leave, reduction in economic activity, etc.)

(b) self employment

(b1) at work: persons who during the reference period performed some work for profit or family gain, in cash or in kind

(b2) with an enterprise but not at work: persons with an enterprise, which may be a business enterprise, a farm or a service undertaking,

who were temporarily not at work during the reference period for any specific reason.


  1. Institution which provides data


Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA)


  1. Data availability


Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA), Kingdom of Bahrain, based on data from Bahrain Labour Market Indicators (

Data are tabulated in PDF and Excel formats.


The definitions that the LMRA adopts for its data can be found in the Glossary section: (


Date of access: March 2023.


GLMM and GRC cannot guarantee that the link to access the source will not change; that the information will not be removed from the website it was obtained from; that no geo-blockages will be imposed; or that the information will not be available for any another reason.


Keywords: Bahrain, National Labour, Foreign Labour, Employment, Egypt, Jordan, Yemen, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Philippines, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda, Cameroon

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