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  • Bahrain: Estimated total employed population by nationality (Bahraini/Non-Bahraini) and sector (public, private, domestic) (Quarterly: Q1 2003 – Q1 2014)

Bahrain: Estimated total employed population by nationality (Bahraini/Non-Bahraini) and sector (public, private, domestic) (Quarterly: Q1 2003 – Q1 2014)

Public Sector Private Sector Domestic Workers Total
Year Quarter Bahraini Non-Bahraini Total Bahraini Non-Bahraini Total Bahraini Non-Bahraini Total Bahraini Non-Bahraini Total
2003 Q1 40,012 8,532 48,544 65,753 165,843 231,596 0 33,458 33,458 105,765 207,833 313,598
Q2 40,288 8,580 48,868 66,364 168,627 234,991 0 34,667 34,667 106,652 211,874 318,526
Q3 40,690 8,733 49,423 66,632 171,789 238,421 0 35,667 35,667 107,322 216,189 323,511
Q4 41,591 8,805 50,396 68,243 175,101 243,344 0 37,639 37,639 109,834 221,545 331,379
2004 Q1 41,774 8,872 50,646 68,769 181,996 250,765 0 38,993 38,993 110,543 229,861 340,404
Q2 41,902 8,952 50,854 70,426 186,931 257,357 0 40,889 40,889 112,328 236,772 349,100
Q3 42,865 9,419 52,284 72,375 194,407 266,782 0 42,840 42,840 115,240 246,666 361,906
Q4 43,238 9,482 52,720 75,038 200,965 276,003 0 44,586 44,586 118,276 255,033 373,309
2005 Q1 43,342 9,519 52,861 73,687 218,436 292,123 0 46,507 46,507 117,029 274,462 391,491
Q2 43,619 9,574 53,193 74,394 230,188 304,582 0 49,427 49,427 118,013 289,189 407,202
Q3 44,283 9,740 54,023 74,164 223,776 297,940 0 50,822 50,822 118,447 284,338 402,785
Q4 44,738 9,779 54,517 77,595 234,413 312,008 0 51,647 51,647 122,333 295,839 418,172
2006 Q1 45,004 9,805 54,809 81,007 243,474 324,481 0 52,522 52,522 126,011 305,801 431,812
Q2 45,487 9,809 55,296 81,134 245,176 326,310 0 54,201 54,201 126,621 309,186 435,807
Q3 46,353 9,952 56,305 81,361 251,503 332,864 0 55,997 55,997 127,714 317,452 445,166
Q4 47,562 10,278 57,840 81,648 262,829 344,477 0 57,948 57,948 129,210 331,055 460,265
2007 Q1 46,530 10,287 56,817 81,935 274,156 356,091 0 59,353 59,353 128,465 343,796 472,261
Q2 47,005 10,320 57,325 82,223 286,020 368,243 0 62,851 62,851 129,228 359,191 488,419
Q3 47,601 11,563 59,164 82,582 293,713 376,295 0 64,127 64,127 130,183 369,403 499,586
Q4 48,007 11,959 59,966 82,122 297,086 379,208 0 64,610 64,610 130,129 373,655 503,784
2008 Q1 47,836 12,086 59,922 82,123 302,351 384,474 0 67,503 67,503 129,959 381,940 511,899
Q2 47,457 12,201 59,658 85,820 314,931 400,751 0 69,786 69,786 133,277 396,918 530,195
Q3 46,238 7,211 53,449 88,480 330,382 418,862 0 70,538 70,538 134,718 408,131 542,849
Q4 46,776 7,632 54,408 93,320 355,529 448,849 0 72,541 72,541 140,096 435,702 575,798
2009 Q1 46,915 7,537 54,452 95,727 372,020 467,747 0 75,393 75,393 142,642 454,950 597,592
Q2 47,059 7,499 54,558 91,605 385,916 477,521 0 75,490 75,490 138,664 468,905 607,569
Q3 47,136 7,638 54,774 90,868 371,707 462,575 0 76,045 76,045 138,004 455,390 593,394
Q4 47,530 7,760 55,290 89,002 374,987 463,989 0 79,212 79,212 136,532 461,959 598,491
2010 Q1 47,565 7,862 55,427 90,791 365,770 456,561 0 81,672 81,672 138,356 455,304 593,660
Q2 47,685 7,727 55,412 91,661 366,528 458,189 0 83,439 83,439 139,346 457,694 597,040
Q3 47,615 7,887 55,502 92,300 365,740 458,040 0 83,860 83,860 139,915 457,487 597,402
Q4 48,111 7,912 56,023 92,528 366,795 459,323 0 84,002 84,002 140,639 458,709 599,348
2011 Q1 47,998 7,928 55,926 93,265 362,536 455,801 0 83,197 83,197 141,263 453,661 594,924
Q2 47,311 7,822 55,133 90,444 356,419 446,863 0 84,473 84,473 137,755 448,714 586,469
Q3 47,225 8,170 55,395 91,251 359,855 451,106 0 86,288 86,288 138,476 454,313 592,789
Q4 47,642 8,174 55,816 92,524 362,466 454,990 0 87,420 87,420 140,166 458,060 598,226
2012 Q1 49,073 8,329 57,402 93,575 367,313 460,888 0 88,624 88,624 142,648 464,266 606,914
Q2 51,932 8,412 60,344 93,706 373,084 466,790 0 90,124 90,124 145,638 471,620 617,258
Q3 51,926 8,733 60,659 93,903 380,001 473,904 0 92,561 92,561 145,829 481,295 627,124
Q4 52,243 8,904 61,147 94,496 384,777 479,273 0 95,297 95,297 146,739 488,978 635,717
2013 Q1 52,848 9,086 61,934 94,933 392,387 487,320 0 98,324 98,324 147,781 499,797 647,578
Q2 56,535 9,146 65,681 95,710 400,127 495,837 0 100,349 100,349 152,245 509,622 661,867
Q3 56,665 9,533 66,198 95,230 403,002 498,232 0 102,702 102,702 151,895 515,237 667,132
Q4 56,865 9,946 66,811 95,608 400,482 496,090 0 103,728 103,728 152,473 514,156 666,629
2014 Q1 56,988 10,010 66,998 96,537 392,789 489,326 0 105,203 105,203 153,525 508,002 661,527

Source: Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) – Bahrain


1. Technical Notes and Definitions

The table provides figures of Bahrain’s total employed population (nationals and non-nationals) based on their place of employment as collated and reported by the LMRA.
The LMRA estimates take into account official sources of employment data such as the pension organizations (General Organisation for Social Insurance, GOSI, for the private sector, and the Pension Fund Comission, PFC, for the public sector) in addition to the Civil Service Bureau (CSB) and Labour Force Surveys under the Central Informatics Organization (CIO). However, the LMRA-produced figures also take into account unregistered employment that is not included in GOSI and PFC. Not every employed person is registered either because registration of certain categories is not mandatory by law, or because there are delays and errors in the registration system. The LMRA estimates, for example, account for unpaid family workers, uninsured self-employed persons, multiple job holders and civilian employees in non-civilian organizations.
Note that the LMRA data, along with GOSI and PFC, do not include non-civilian employees (engaged in military, defense and other relevant entities and ranked as so).
This LMRA table included several notes:
1. Data for 2006 Q2 is that of 2006 April and for 2006 Q3 is that of 2006 August.
2. From 2008 Q2 onward, “Public sector” for Non-Bahraini workers refers to workers in the “Government sector” of the Expatriate Management System (EMS) of LMRA. Correspondingly, “Private Sector” for Non-Bahraini workers refers to the sum of “Commercial” and “Non-Commercial, Non-Government” (NCNG) sectors of LMRA’s EMS system.
3. Male popluation includes persons with unrecorded sex attribute.
4. Details may not add up to totals due to rounding error.
Employee is defined here as who works in a paid employment job, that is to say, a job where the explicit or implicit contract of employment gives the incumbent a basic remuneration that is independent of the revenue of the unit for which he or she works (the unit can be a corporation, a non-profit institution, a government or a household).
A Bahraini citizen is defined here as a legal national of the Kingdom of Bahrain. This category excludes nationals of the GCC.
A Non-Bahraini citizen is defined here as any foreigner or expatriate of a nationality other than Bahraini.
Public Sector is defined here as the one where employees are registered at the Public Fund Commission (PFC)
Private Sector is defined here as the one where employees are registered at the General Organisation for Social Insurance (GOSI)
Domestic Worker is defined here as an employee who works, and often lives within the employer’s household.
Employment as defined by the LMRA is in line with the ILO resolution concerning statistics of the economically active population, employment, unemployment and underemployment, Thirteenth International Conference of Labour Statisticians, Geneva, October 1982. It includes all persons above a specific age during a specific period either in paid employment or in self-employment and includes the following:
(a) paid employment
(a1) at work: persons who during the reference period performed some work for wage or salary, in cash or in kind, even for one hour
(a2) with a job but not at work: persons who, having already worked in their present job, were temporarily not at work during the reference period and had a formal attachment to their job (e.g., absence because of illness or injury, holiday or vacation, strike or lockout, educational or training leave, maternity or parental leave, reduction in economic activity, temporary disorganization or suspension of work due to such reasons as bad weather, mechanical or electrical breakdown, or shortage of raw materials or fuels).
(b) self employment
(b1) at work: persons who during the reference period performed some work for profit or family gain, in cash or in kind
(b2) with an enterprise but not at work: persons with an enterprise, which may be a business enterprise, a farm or a service undertaking, who were temporarily not at work during the reference period for any specific reason.
According to international statistical standards, members of the armed forces are included among persons in paid employment

2. Institution which provides data

Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA)
The LMRA data is collated using several sources: data extracted from files submitted by Expatriate Management System (LMRA-EMS), General Organisation for Social Insurance (GOSI), Pension Fund Commission (PFC), and Civil Service Bureau (CSB) monthly data files to LMRA, and Labour Force Survey 2004

3. Data availability

The LMRA publishes these data under its Bahrain Labourr Market Indicators (BLMI) section. The BLMI dashboard can be found in: ( The general BLMI data with other non-LMRA sources can be found: (
Figures and results are often reported in tables in both PDF and Excel formats.
Data for this LMRA table can be found: (
The definitions that the LMRA adopts for its data can be found in the Glossary section: (
For some details on the way the LMRA estimates employment, refer to the documents titled “Estimation of Employment and Wages (Tables A & B)” and “Comparison of LMRA Employment Data with Those of CBB” and “LMRA Estimation of Unregistered (at GOSI and PFC) Bahraini Employed Persons” in the Documents page: (

Date of access: July 2014

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