Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

An international independent, non-partisan, non-profit programme hosted and supported by the Gulf Research Center. The programme provides data, analyses, and recommendations contributing to the improvement of understanding and management of Gulf labour migration, population, and labour markets, engaging with and respecting the viewpoints of all stakeholders.
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UAE: Total labour force in the private sector by economic activity (2004-2017)

Economic sector 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Construction 780,439 916,309 1,090,513 1,374,566 1,938,735 1,760,975 1,553,733 1,534,447 1,506,667 1,382,059 1,481,146 1,550,459 1,607,396 1,712,000
Wholesale Trade and Repair Services 484,457 516,061 563,659 654,071 777,214 846,606 868,012 866,662 922,974 964,730 1,045,541 1,122,943 1,131,704 1,122,000
Manufacturing 271,541 288,855 326,196 376,721 454,460 419,383 407,369 432,053 443,209 441,070 471,624 455,097 454,671 474,000
Real Estate, Rental and Business Services 109,295 127,055 154,994 214,324 297,320 324,002 339,137 345,367 389,458 423,253 502,163 543,321 577,037 594,000
Transportation, Storage and Communication 142,959 154,727 170,280 196,311 250,538 270,665 258,114 270,329 284,572 308,705 346,818 358,041 369,629 368,000
Hotels and Restaurants 87,584 89,776 93,591 105,558 126,487 124,068 133,011 152,267 169,339 191,289 214,966 211,535 223,179 236,000
Community, Personal and Other Services 41,917 46,771 54,489 57,361 67,519 93,781 118,148 82,359 87,669 93,920 104,753 179,078 186,349 154,000
Educational Services and Studies 27,054 29,762 33,343 40,391 47,172 58,735 57,142 58,481 64,072 66,315 74,174 81,834 89,488 88,000
Financial Intermediation 19,714 22,932 26,839 31,202 38,641 39,395 39,843 48,185 49,875 52,446 58,145 60,385 63,697 71,000
Others 48,563 50,128 53,445 62,517 81,367 132,696 105,985 116,444 126,529 127,446 145,170 181,931 186,703 220,000
Total 2,013,523 2,242,376 2,567,349 3,113,022 4,079,453 4,072,315 3,880,494 3,906,594 4,044,364 4,051,233 4,444,500 4,744,624 4,889,853 5,039,000

Source: Labour Market Information System, Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MoHRE) 
1. Characteristics of data

The figures pertain to the number of workers registered in the UAE’s private sector, with the MoHRE.
The “labour force” includes all economically active individuals in the community, whether they are already working or looking for work (see:

Employed persons: Individuals who are already engaged in productive work: it includes individual who are employed, even if they do not work because of illness or injury,
holiday or for irregular work at the facilities in which they work for temporary or incidental reasons. This category also includes full-time and part-time workers.
Unemployed: Individuals who are able to work and wishing to do so, were still searching jobs during the survey. This category includes the unemployed who never entered the labour market,
and who have previously worked and had to leave their jobs for any reason as a result of labour market conditions.

It is unclear whether or not figures include nationals.
Domestic workers are not included.

2. Institution which provides data 

Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE):

3. Data availability 

The data is taken from the “open data” section of MoHRE website:
Data is available in PDF and Excel formats.

Last date of access: June 2018.

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