Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

An international independent, non-partisan, non-profit programme hosted and supported by the Gulf Research Center. The programme provides data, analyses, and recommendations contributing to the improvement of understanding and management of Gulf labour migration, population, and labour markets, engaging with and respecting the viewpoints of all stakeholders.
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Saudi Arabia: Employed population by nationality (Saudi/non-Saudi) and economic activity (2021)

  Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
  Saudis non-Saudis Saudis non-Saudis Saudis non-Saudis Saudis non-Saudis
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 16,434 89,866 16,266 87,361 16,288 85,806 16,527 90,183
Mining and quarrying 111,099 64,007 111,003 62,227 111,765 61,459 114,420 62,230
Manufacturing 211,568 626,216 213,760 613,277 218,854 611,982 225,917 627,008
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 40,952 37,403 41,032 37,410 41,242 36,521 41,596 36,533
Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 5,122 18,487 5,272 18,306 5,336 17,885 5,567 18,283
Construction 311,944 1,803,570 286,699 1,742,895 290,900 1,705,712 302,768 1,755,671
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 446,094 1,426,482 445,969 1,382,250 460,134 1,353,746 460,682 1,330,197
Transportation and storage 66,144 192,230 67,453 193,485 70,977 193,817 75,606 205,458
Accommodation and food service activities 78,333 308,053 74,799 306,689 79,822 310,997 115,570 439,731
Information and communication 40,986 38,608 41,119 37,643 42,329 38,492 44,093 38,056
Financial and insurance activities 63,629 12,839 64,199 12,611 64,642 12,549 65,029 12,895
Real estate activities 13,049 25,182 13,581 24,553 14,444 24,763 14,883 24,420
Professional, scientific and technical activities 44,394 88,617 44,560 87,325 46,420 86,903 49,857 88,300
Administrative and support service activities 139,343 883,841 131,967 844,057 138,444 807,982 140,659 837,078
Public administration and defence; compulsory social security 176,561 70,341 186,072 78,223 193,476 79,515 211,419 83,754
Education 70,741 62,365 64,313 58,392 74,797 60,562 80,054 60,845
Human health and social work activities 200,122 229,046 202,540 234,130 209,095 235,835 219,344 251,008
Arts, entertainment and recreation 8,715 18,432 9,287 18,837 10,296 19,029 10,435 19,557
 Other service activities 41,284 174,281 42,481 167,529 43,352 164,890 43,627 166,359
Activities of households as employer; Undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use 32 110 31 114 29 119 28 196
Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies 1,052 404 1,155 420 1,208 419 1,314 434
Other activities 1,845 131,412 1,780 117,098 1,458 114,094 1,417 142,300
Total 2,089,443 6,301,792 2,065,338 6,124,832 2,135,308 6,023,077 2,240,812 6,290,496

Source: Register-based Labour Market Statistics, General Authority for Statistics (GAStat)          

  1. Data collection methodology:

LFS were first conducted in 2001 and became bi-annual after 2006. Data were collected through nationally representative household sample surveys, which sampling was based on most recent censuses. Since 2016, Labour Force Surveys have been conducted and published on a quarterly basis, based on a household telephone survey conducted by GAStat. Employment data extracted from administrative records were also introduced as a complement to the results of Labour Force Surveys in Labour Market Statistics’ publications, starting on Q1 2017.

The present data is taken from administrative records.                                                                

Population of reference: workers subject to the rules and regulations of the General Organization of Social Insurance (GOSI):           

  1. contributors on the job who are subject to social insurance laws and regulations in the private and government sector (outside the Civil service);
  2. workers who terminated their contribution to social insurance during the quarter.

Definitions and categories used by GAStat in Labour Markets Statistics (employment; unemployment;

occupation and activity sectors, etc.) are based on international standards:

For LFS methodology and definitions, see:

  1. Institution which provides data:

General Authority for Statistics (GAStat)

  1. Data availability:

Since 2021, GAStat has been publishing separately the employment data taken from administrative

records, and unemployment/inactivity data as well as general indicators, calculated from the results

of the field interviews conducted by GAStat (Labour Force Survey).

The present time-series was taken from the Register-based Labour Market Statistics- Q1 to Q4, 2021

(English and Arabic versions)

Last date of access: 4 October 2022.                                                                       

GLMM and GRC cannot guarantee that the link to access the source will not change; that the information will not be removed from the website it was obtained from; that no geo-blockages will be imposed; or that the information will not be available for any another reason.

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