Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

An international independent, non-partisan, non-profit programme hosted and supported by the Gulf Research Center. The programme provides data, analyses, and recommendations contributing to the improvement of understanding and management of Gulf labour migration, population, and labour markets, engaging with and respecting the viewpoints of all stakeholders.
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Saudi Arabia: Employed population by nationality (Saudi/non-Saudi) and economic activity (2020)

  Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
  Saudis non-Saudis Saudis non-Saudis Saudis non-Saudis Saudis non-Saudis
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 15,777 85,408 15,523 89,169 16,160 88,306 16,417 88,974
Mining and quarrying 116,406 71,271 115,665 70,528 115,138 67,183 112,961 65,101
Manufacturing 198,179 632,766 196,856 633,655 207,789 623,348 207,467 618,508
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 42,348 47,903 42,108 44,334 42,001 41,055 41,324 39,355
Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 4,250 13,119 4,300 12,912 4,529 12,547 4,523 14,722
Construction 286,942 2,017,134 284,747 1,994,218 297,040 1,898,155 287,841 1,838,375
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 436,323 1,516,138 426,591 1,513,729 451,885 1,476,786 439,209 1,454,333
Transportation and storage 58,042 185,281 58,108 186,520 61,909 183,161 64,774 190,408
Accommodation and food service activities 78,610 338,117 76,979 338,647 84,896 335,691 90,309 342,110
Information and communication 36,481 36,835 36,060 36,969 37,395 36,309 38,980 36,198
Financial and insurance activities 62,458 12,624 62,177 12,595 62,663 12,285 62,709 12,162
Real estate activities 10,971 25,903 11,168 26,138 11,995 25,556 12,246 25,218
Professional, scientific and technical activities 41,326 102,795 38,242 102,613 40,240 94,661 41,810 91,249
Administrative and support service activities 118,057 976,021 117,488 970,564 127,326 935,312 131,458 898,379
Public administration and defence; compulsory social security 160,425 58,647 161,640 62,697 163,493 63,949 171,371 68,188
Education 87,140 67,932 73,024 64,789 71,605 63,805 71,092 63,320
Human health and social work activities 171,960 191,384 170,074 192,395 177,037 189,355 180,310 188,433
Arts, entertainment and recreation 6,719 17,979 6,699 17,917 7,565 17,727 8,381 18,470
 Other service activities 40,399 181,739 40,417 181,405 43,363 177,520 41,404 176,939
Activities of households as employer; Undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use 2 6 6 21 5 39 15 62
Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies 953 394 977 396 988 394 1,028 394
Other activities 1,756 145,983 1,762 154,237 2,279 131,870 1,908 122,789
Total 1,975,524 6,725,379 1,940,611 6,706,448 2,027,301 6,475,014 2,027,537 6,353,687

Source: Register-based Labour Market Statistics, General Authority for Statistics (GAStat)          

  1. Data collection methodology:

LFS were first conducted in 2001 and became bi-annual after 2006. Data were collected through nationally representative household sample surveys, which sampling was based on most recent censuses. Since 2016, Labour Force Surveys have been conducted and published on a quarterly basis, based on a household telephone survey conducted by GAStat. Employment data extracted from administrative records were also introduced as a complement to the results of Labour Force Surveys in Labour Market Statistics’ publications, starting on Q1 2017.

The present data is taken from administrative records.                                                                

Population of reference: workers subject to the rules and regulations of the General Organization of Social Insurance (GOSI):           

  1. contributors on the job who are subject to social insurance laws and regulations in the private and government sector (outside the Civil service);
  2. workers who terminated their contribution to social insurance during the quarter.

Definitions and categories used by GAStat in Labour Markets Statistics (employment; unemployment;

occupation and activity sectors, etc.) are based on international standards:

For LFS methodology and definitions, see:

  1. Institution which provides data:

General Authority for Statistics (GAStat)

  1. Data availability:

Since 2021, GAStat has been publishing separately the employment data taken from administrative records, and unemployment/inactivity data as well as general indicators, calculated from the results of the field interviews conducted by GAStat (Labour Force Survey).

The present time-series was taken from the Register-based Labour Market Statistics- Q3, 2021 (English and Arabic versions)

Last date of access: 4 October 2022.                                                                       

GLMM and GRC cannot guarantee that the link to access the source will not change; that the information will not be removed from the website it was obtained from; that no geo-blockages will be imposed; or that the information will not be available for any another reason.

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