Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

An international independent, non-partisan, non-profit programme hosted and supported by the Gulf Research Center. The programme provides data, analyses, and recommendations contributing to the improvement of understanding and management of Gulf labour migration, population, and labour markets, engaging with and respecting the viewpoints of all stakeholders.
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Saudi Arabia: Employed population (aged 15 and above) by nationality (Saudi/ non-Saudi), sex and main group of economic activities (Q2, 2024)

  Saudis Non Saudis Total
  Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females Total
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 16,584 7,710 24,294 176,024 3,157 179,181 192,608 10,867 203,475
Mining and quarrying 108,022 10,158 118,180 67,683 963 68,646 175,705 11,121 186,826
Manufacturing 236,326 133,780 370,106 957,036 14,778 971,814 1,193,362 148,558 1,341,920
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 31,405 2,243 33,648 11,838 665 12,503 43,243 2,908 46,151
Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 25,904 8,934 34,838 130,020 3,361 133,381 155,924 12,295 168,219
Construction 243,729 156,591 400,320 2,466,623 27,621 2,494,244 2,710,352 184,212 2,894,564
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 200,610 195,909 396,519 1,232,543 19,908 1,252,451 1,433,153 215,817 1,648,970
Transportation and storage 90,741 46,650 137,391 425,948 3,642 429,590 516,689 50,292 566,981
Accommodation and food service activities 70,254 70,840 141,094 531,402 7,044 538,446 601,656 77,884 679,540
Information and communication 35,126 28,094 63,220 45,930 2,585 48,515 81,056 30,679 111,735
Financial and insurance activities 57,699 22,372 80,071 15,939 906 16,845 73,638 23,278 96,916
Real estate activities 13,448 7,976 21,424 31,693 864 32,557 45,141 8,840 53,981
Professional, scientific and technical activities 80,513 45,304 125,817 123,492 5,712 129,204 204,005 51,016 255,021
Administrative and support service activities 117,721 67,162 184,883 828,750 156,669 985,419 946,471 223,831 1,170,302
Public administration and defence; compulsory social security 164,135 60,546 224,681 47,255 10,192 57,447 211,390 70,738 282,128
Education 38,616 60,581 99,197 74,134 15,158 89,292 112,750 75,739 188,489
Human health and social work activities 105,928 118,325 224,253 117,489 107,170 224,659 223,417 225,495 448,912
Arts, entertainment and recreation 6,975 6,810 13,785 16,352 2,534 18,886 23,327 9,344 32,671
Other service activities 20,158 22,360 42,518 183,028 25,340 208,368 203,186 47,700 250,886
Activities of households as employer Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodiess; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use 3 15 18 56 3 59 59 18 77
Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies 223 61 284 212 1 213 435 62 497
Other activities 16,888 18,991 35,879 1,030,091 12,532 1,042,623 1,046,979 31,523 1,078,502
Total 1,681,008 1,091,412 2,772,420 8,513,538 420,805 8,934,343 10,194,546 1,512,217 11,706,763

Source: Register-based Labour Market Statistics, General Authority for Statistics (GAStat)

1. Data collection methodology

LFS were first conducted in 2001 and became bi-annual after 2006. Data were collected through nationally representative household sample surveys, which sampling was based on most recent censuses. Since 2016, Labour Force Surveys have been conducted and published on a quarterly basis, based on a household telephone survey conducted by GAStat. Employment data extracted from administrative records were also introduced as a complement to the results of Labour Force Surveys in Labour Market Statistics’ publications, starting on Q1 2017.

The present data is taken from administrative records.

Population of reference: workers subject to the rule of the General Organization of Social Insurance (GOSI):
a. contributors on the job who are subject to social insurance laws and regulations in the private and government sector;
b. new contributors, and contributors who terminated their contribution to social insurance during the quarter.

Figures of workers in Labor Market statistics which were derived from administrative records do not include the following category:

1-Workers in the military and security sectors
2- Workers who are not registered in the civil service, social insurance (GOSI) and domestic workers’ records, which include:
– Saudis working for their own businesses and are not subjected to the labor regulations, also, not registered in social insurance, such as those who work in delivery through electronic apps
– Saudi employers who work in establishments and not registered in the social insurance
– Non-Saudi staff working in foreign international, political or military missions
3- Non-Saudi employees who come to the Kingdom for work that normally takes less than three months to be completed.

Definitions and categories used by GAStat in Labour Markets Statistics (employment; unemployment;
occupation and activity sectors, etc.) are based on international standards:
For LFS methodology and definitions, see:,%20Fourth%20Quarter%202020%20_%20General%20Authority%20for%20Statistics.pdf,%20Fourth%20Quarter%202020%20_%20General%20Authority%20for%20Statistics.pdf

Classification of activities: The Saudi Classification of Economic Activities, based on the International Standard Industrial Classification of all economic activities (ISIC4)

2. Institution which provides data 

General Authority for Statistics (GAStat)

3. Data availability 

Since 2021, GAStat has been publishing separately the employment data taken from administrative records, and unemployment/inactivity data as well as general indicators, calculated from the results of the field interviews conducted by GAStat (Labour Force Survey).
The present time-series was taken from Register-based Labour Market Statistics publications, given quarters and years.
(English and Arabic versions)

Date of access: 05 November 2024.

Keywords: Employment, Female Employment, Saudi Arabia, National & Foreign Labour

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