Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

An international independent, non-partisan, non-profit programme hosted and supported by the Gulf Research Center. The programme provides data, analyses, and recommendations contributing to the improvement of understanding and management of Gulf labour migration, population, and labour markets, engaging with and respecting the viewpoints of all stakeholders.

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Oman: Population aged 10 and above, by nationality (Omanis/ non-Omanis), sex, age group and education level (census 2020)

Males Females
Illiterate Read and write Less than general diploma General diploma Higher Diploma Bachelor or more Unknown Total males Illiterate Read and write Less than general diploma General diploma Higher Diploma Bachelor or more Unknown Total females
Omanis 10-14 562 139 141,138 3 846 142,688 347 101 136,698 1 701 137,848
15-19 358 138 82,727 29,157 7 6 316 112,709 264 122 72,621 36,066 17 24 281 109,395
20-24 417 333 32,799 68,845 4,637 4,017 25 111,073 349 254 13,801 74,501 5,693 12,662 52 107,312
25-29 687 593 37,371 52,911 13,266 19,367 15 124,210 638 718 14,477 41,624 17,363 45,870 48 120,738
30-34 857 1,195 28,947 57,593 11,122 21,520 49 121,283 939 1,631 15,921 54,331 14,035 31,661 83 118,601
35-39 998 1,775 28,576 48,518 5,669 20,127 45 105,708 1,296 2,667 20,172 46,001 8,367 25,296 73 103,872
40-44 878 1,997 24,370 34,308 2,426 15,539 39 79,557 1,787 3,384 24,568 31,655 3,871 14,519 93 79,877
45-49 962 2,691 18,379 20,636 2,666 7,717 50 53,101 2,806 5,044 20,879 14,932 2,536 4,775 102 51,074
50-54 1,329 3,813 13,913 11,421 1,171 4,007 84 35,738 5,382 6,779 15,844 5,413 1,057 1,371 154 36,000
55-59 2,415 6,191 11,416 6,940 412 1,852 124 29,350 8,253 7,957 11,195 2,868 167 348 189 30,977
60-64 4,503 7,136 7,026 3,729 88 524 112 23,118 10,731 8,050 7,122 1,473 32 76 76 27,560
65-69 4,634 5,364 3,280 1,776 16 135 56 15,261 9,583 5,476 3,393 755 4 32 24 19,267
70-74 4,923 4,274 1,828 1,014 16 59 37 12,151 8,290 3,766 1,633 367 2 7 9 14,074
75-79 4,448 2,874 864 406 4 18 23 8,637 6,505 2,274 731 200 3 5 9,718
80+ 6,294 2,921 528 283 5 19 17 10,067 8,693 2,095 519 122 2 6 11,437
Total 34,265 41,434 433,162 337,540 41,505 94,907 1,838 984,651 65,863 50,318 359,574 310,309 53,144 136,646 1,896 977,750
Males Females
Illiterate Read and write Less than general diploma General diploma Higher Diploma Bachelor or more Unknown Total males Illiterate Read and write Less than general diploma General diploma Higher Diploma Bachelor or more Unknown Total females
Non-Omanis 10-14 30 410 18,206 2,915 21,561 28 342 17,397 2,654 20,421
15-19 53 881 11,400 1,152 10 1 2,444 15,941 63 677 10,237 1,316 12 3 2,102 14,410
20-24 144 32,960 16,056 12,624 592 1,362 3,288 67,026 126 6,445 5,252 4,679 217 661 2,146 19,526
25-29 470 91,318 94,627 41,605 2,644 6,769 2,836 240,269 283 17,763 14,298 8,939 1,005 2,936 1,943 47,167
30-34 622 105,505 124,432 52,722 5,038 15,453 1,616 305,388 430 22,550 20,158 12,419 2,765 6,771 1,308 66,401
35-39 573 83,730 95,737 42,861 5,367 20,063 983 249,314 391 17,159 16,481 10,842 2,753 7,611 887 56,124
40-44 535 51,063 61,839 29,147 4,456 17,874 598 165,512 268 12,596 12,809 8,002 2,034 6,340 674 42,723
45-49 391 31,766 39,916 19,245 3,399 14,590 384 109,691 209 7,748 8,482 4,878 1,412 4,539 524 27,792
50-54 285 20,638 25,615 11,828 2,620 10,572 313 71,871 189 4,379 5,205 2,737 822 2,569 346 16,247
55-59 161 10,713 12,984 5,906 1,462 6,776 227 38,229 155 2,385 2,900 1,556 440 1,401 176 9,013
60-64 73 5,365 6,659 3,473 914 4,081 216 20,781 156 1,365 1,538 853 188 631 114 4,845
65-69 36 1,370 1,623 1,012 310 1,700 236 6,287 122 794 747 464 84 250 62 2,523
70-74 41 425 349 265 90 567 229 1,966 99 541 399 244 31 81 55 1,450
75-79 20 161 109 89 36 158 204 777 57 267 191 103 19 38 34 709
80+ 20 161 82 67 21 36 310 697 68 231 139 79 12 8 59 596
Total 3,454 436,466 509,634 221,996 26,959 100,002 16,799 1,315,310 2,644 95,242 116,233 57,111 11,794 33,839 13,084 329,947

Source: National Centre for Statistics and Information (NCSI)




  1. Technical Notes and Definitions


Period of reference: 12/12/2020.

Source of the data: E-census 2020, based on administrative records. Population data: based on vital statistics records (births and deaths) produced by the Ministry of Health (MOH), and the National Registration System (Royal Oman Police).

The civil registration records all Omani and expatriate residents. It is based on the civil status system and is maintained by the General Directorate of Civil Status, a part of the Royal Oman Police.

Since 2004, registration of all vital events taking place in the Sultanate (births, death, marriages and divorces) in the civil register is mandatory for Omanis and foreign residents of the Sultanate.

e-census 2020:

Population data and statistics: methodology explained in publication “Electronic Census System for the E-Census for Population, Residences & Establishments 2020”, especially pp. 15-16; 19-20

Portal of e-census 2020 and data updates for December 2021 and 2022:


Characteristics of data:

Figures refer to:

  1. Omanis holding an official valid document registered in the National Registration System, or expired for less than ten years
  2. Foreign residents holding valid visas, or visas expired for lesss than two years; dependents holding valid visas, providing that they are in the country.

Residence visa for expatriates includes residence visa for a wife of an Omani, student resident, multiple entry visa, employment visa, employment contracting visa, official visit visa, investor visa. The dependent visa includes Family Reunion visas and relat​ive/ friend visit visa.


  1. Institution which provides data


National Center for Statistics and Information (NCSI)


  1. Data availability


Data retrieved from e-census portal, datasets building tool:


Date of access: 5 June 2023.


GLMM and GRC cannot guarantee that the link to access the source will not change; that the information will not be removed from the website it was obtained from; that no geo-blockages will be imposed; or that the information will not be available for any another reason.


Keywords: Oman, Foreign & National Population, Education

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