Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

An international independent, non-partisan, non-profit programme hosted and supported by the Gulf Research Center. The programme provides data, analyses, and recommendations contributing to the improvement of understanding and management of Gulf labour migration, population, and labour markets, engaging with and respecting the viewpoints of all stakeholders.
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GCC: Working-age population by nationality (national/non-national) and age group (mid-2021)

  Bahrain Kuwait* Oman* Qatar Saudi Arabia UAE
  Nationals Non-nationals Nationals Non-nationals Nationals Non-nationals Nationals Non-nationals Nationals Non-nationals Nationals Non-nationals
 15-19 65,131 15,759 149,268 90,990 227,832 31,740 27,939 55,507 1,846,634 558,615 N.A. N.A.
 20-24 60,117 40,216 131,548 97,930 216,648 87,278 32,216 157,544 2,072,516 479,156 N.A. N.A.
 25-29 59,118 83,410 128,715 328,728 240,436 265,487 28,769 302,062 2,068,030 1,014,557 N.A. N.A.
 30-34 55,354 150,800 109,945 436,503 240,680 351,198 21,730 455,512 1,877,577 1,278,369 N.A. N.A.
 35-39 49,355 140,937 98,890 437,924 219,904 315,012 19,206 357,260 1,677,696 1,952,622 N.A. N.A.
 40-44 44,150 101,469 82,386 401,272 169,599 213,590 15,702 339,477 1,357,837 1,907,528 N.A. N.A.
 45-49 36,076 72,608 71,942 298,113 114,285 140,193 15,753 179,219 1,153,834 1,434,971 N.A. N.A.
 50-54 33,030 48,502 61,855 211,985 76,267 89,276 15,127 144,655 925,199 867,812 N.A. N.A.
 55-59 33,050 28,061 51,605 124,160 62,243 48,390 13,623 65,697 727,311 534,984 N.A. N.A.
 60-64 26,884 14,675 38,425 57,178 52,032 23,839 9,884 30,951 504,441 305,112 N.A. N.A.
Total 462,265 696,437 924,579 2,484,783 1,619,926 1,566,003 199,949 2,087,884 14,211,075 10,333,726 N.A. N.A.


Source: National institutes of statistics


1- Definition:


Non-nationals are:

1- persons bearing nationality of a foreign State other than the GCC State of residence, or bearing no proof of nationality from any given state (stateless persons and holders of refugee status and travel document in a third country);

2- Holders of residence permit residing in the given GCC country at date of census, as per definition of residence used in each of the countries.


N.A: Non-Available

*: end of year data.


2- Sources of data:


(1) Bahrain Open Data Portal, “Documents” section, Population 2021,

Source: administrative records (central Population Register)


(2) Statistics Service System, Kuwait Public Authority for Civil Information (PACI). Population, June 2021. (inaccessible from outside Kuwait since 2019)


(3) National Centre for Statistical Information (NCSI). Population Statistics 2021, NCSI, 2022.


(4) Qatar Planning and Statistics Authority, Annual Bulletin of Labour Force 2021


(5) Saudi Arabia General Authority for Statistics, population estimates for mid-2021. Population estimates are based on the results of the Population Censuses (1974, 1992, 2004, 2010), on the Demographic Research Bulletin 2016 (2013-2017), and on administrative records: vital statistics records (births and deaths records) and im/emigration records.


(6) UAE: No figures of total (non-disaggregated) population available for 2021, as of 4 December 2022. Figures of UAE population disaggregated by nationality are unavailable in published sources.


Last date of access: December 2022.

GLMM and GRC cannot guarantee that the link to access the source will not change; that the information will not be removed from the website it was obtained from; that no geo-blockages will be imposed; or that the information will not be available for any another reason.



Gulf Cooperation Council, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, National & Foreign Labour, National Labour, Foreign Labour

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