Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

An international independent, non-partisan, non-profit programme hosted and supported by the Gulf Research Center. The programme provides data, analyses, and recommendations contributing to the improvement of understanding and management of Gulf labour migration, population, and labour markets, engaging with and respecting the viewpoints of all stakeholders.

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GCC: Estimates of the figures of foreign nationals (Arab nationalities), by country of residence in the GCC (2010-2014)

  Country of residence and year of reference
Country of  Bahrain  Kuwait  Oman Qatar Saudi Arabia UAE
origin 2014 end 2012 2010 2013-2014 2013 2013-2014
Algeria n.d. 845 n.d. n.d. n.d. 10,000 (e)
Egypt 20,000 482,692 29,877 18,0000 (b) 1,370,000 (d) 400,000 (e)
Iraq n.d. 15,262 4,159 8,976 20,000 52,000 (e)
Jordan 7,000 55,081 7,403 40,000 (b) 250,000 200,000 (e)
Lebanon 2,300 (a) 42,586 n.d. 25,000 (b) 160,000 100,000 (e)
Mauritania n.d. 142 n.d. n.d. n.d. 5,000 (e)
Morocco 800 (a) 3,495 n.d. 9,000 (b) 20,000 (a) 14,000
Palestine 5000 (a) 8,072 n.d. 20,500 (b) 500,000 150,000 (e)
Sudan 14000 (a) 4,551 6,867 42,000 (b) 500,000 75,000 (e)
Syria 3,000 135,554 n.d. 60,000 (c) 1,000,000 (c) 242,000 (c)
Tunisia 500 (a) 2,863 n.d. 15,000 (b) 12,000 (a) 4,500
Yemen 4,700 10,762 n.d. 40,000 (a) 800,000 90,000 (e)

Sources: GLMM and other sources (see below)


Sources and Definitions

Figures of migrants in the GCC may be overestimated due to its comprising a large share of Gulf-born (second- and third- generation) non-nationals.
Palestinians are holders of travel documents.
Some of the figures quoted are unverifiable estimates. Therefore, they should be taken as indicative only and should not be used for statistical purposes.

Sources: unless stated otherwise, receiving countries’ estimates in relevant tables in the POP section of the GLMM database.
(a) UN/ DESA 2013 revision total migrants’ stocks by origin and destination countries
(b) Snoj, Jure. “Population of Qatar by nationality”, BQ Magazine, Doha, December 2014.
(c) latest figures available as of October 2015, in: De Bel-Air, F. “A Note on Syrian Refugees in the Gulf: Attempting to Assess Data and Policies,” GLMM Explanatory Note, GLMM – EN – No. 11/2015
(d) Official estimate: Egyptian workers in Saudi Arabia number 968,000 (end of 2013).
“Estimates of family dependents: in the absence of any indication of the ratio of worker to family
dependents in the UAE, we use data available for Kuwait in 2012:”
2.4 workers per family dependent.
Estimates of Egyptians (total): 968,000+(968,000/2.4)= 1,371,000
(e) Snoj, Jure. “UAE’s population- by nationality”, BQ Magazine, Doha, April 12, 2015.

Table as of December 15, 2015.

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