Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

An international independent, non-partisan, non-profit programme hosted and supported by the Gulf Research Center. The programme provides data, analyses, and recommendations contributing to the improvement of understanding and management of Gulf labour migration, population, and labour markets, engaging with and respecting the viewpoints of all stakeholders.
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Employed population by nationality (Bahraini/Non-Bahraini), sex and occupation (1991)

Bahraini Non-Bahraini Total
males females total males females total males females total
Administration & Business Managers 8,595 780 9,375 3,395 229 3,624 11,990 1,009 12,999
Administration Directors & Managers 1,184 301 1485 631 85 716 1,815 386 2201
Coporate & General Managers 6,066 319 6,385 2,289 112 2401 8,355 431 8786
Protections Managers 31 1 32 6 0 6 37 1 38
Adm. Chiefs & Public Officials 1,314 159 1,473 469 32 501 1,783 191 1974
Professionals 5,021 2,433 7,454 8,554 1,200 9,754 13,575 3,633 17,208
Professionals in Pure Sciences 501 174 675 450 47 497 951 221 1172
Professionals in Applied Sciences 1,389 136 1525 3,514 40 3554 4,903 176 5079
Professionals in Medical & Drug Sciences 322 259 581 362 198 560 684 457 1141
Professionals in Human, Social, Educational Sciences 1,050 1,227 2277 1,428 558 1986 2,478 1785 4263
Professionals in Culture, Communications & sports 463 225 688 776 212 988 1,239 437 1676
Professionals in Political, Economic & Financial Sciences 1,296 412 1708 2,024 145 2169 3,320 557 3877
Technicians 5,188 4,306 9,494 3,330 2,559 5,889 8,518 6,865 15,383
Pure Sciences Technicians 478 224 702 180 37 217 658 261 919
Applied Sciences Technicians 1,950 59 2009 1,910 27 1937 3,860 86 3946
Medical & Drug Sciences Technicians 559 988 1547 272 992 1264 831 1980 2811
Social, Educational Sciences & Religious Affairs Technicians 1,478 2,621 4099 596 1,234 1830 2,074 3855 5929
Cultural, Communication & Tourism Technicians 46 13 59 78 12 90 124 25 149
Economics & Financial, Accounting & Secretarial Sciences 677 401 1078 294 257 551 971 658 1629
Clerical Workers 10,834 4,052 14,886 4,224 1,198 5,422 15,058 5,250 20,308
Administrative Clerical Workers 8,597 3,445 12,042 3,668 1,026 4,694 12,265 4,471 16,736
Clerical Workers in Finance & Accounting 2,237 607 2,844 556 172 728 2,793 779 3,572
Sales Workers 2,413 214 2,627 7,133 567 7,700 9,546 781 10,327
Commercial Agents 627 58 685 709 56 765 1,336 114 1,450
Consumer, Luxury & Cultural Goods Sales Workers 1,514 149 1,663 5,485 496 5,981 6,999 645 7,644
Scientific, Const. Ind. & Agr. Equipment Salesman 272 7 279 939 15 954 1,211 22 1,233
Service Workers 12,992 960 13,952 24,313 14,564 38,877 37,305 15,524 52,829
Personal & Housing Services Workers 1,712 399 2,111 14,556 14,488 29,044 16,268 14,887 31,155
Religious, Social & Protective Workers 9,881 544 10,425 7,829 70 7,899 17,710 614 18,324
Sea Services, Loading, Unloading, Packing & Packaging Workers 1,399 17 1,416 1,928 6 1,934 3,327 23 3,350
Agriculture & Fisheries Workers 1,234 3 1,237 4,226 6 4,232 5,460 9 5,469
Agr. Animal & Birds Husbandry Workers 1,145 3 1,148 4,065 5 4,070 5,210 8 5,218
Fish Farm & Fishery Occupations 89 0 89 161 1 162 250 1 251
Supervisor, Food & Chemical Ind. Workers 4,063 309 4,372 9,986 1,368 11,354 14,049 1,677 15,726
Supervision Occupations 2,437 136 2,573 1,552 46 1,598 3,989 182 4,171
Industrial Operations Occupations 315 169 484 6,640 1,308 7,948 6,955 1,477 8,432
Miners, Quarryment & Chemical Operations Occupations 1,040 2 1,042 412 1 413 1,452 3 1,455
Food Industry Occupations 271 2 273 1,382 13 1,395 1,653 15 1,668
Plant & Machine Operators, Assemblers & Labourers 13,455 21 13,476 47,693 18 47,711 61,148 39 61,187
Mechanical Occupations 9,131 5 9,136 13,973 1 13,974 23,104 6 23,110
Electrical & Electronics Occupations 1,711 9 1,720 2,835 7 2,842 4,546 16 4,562
Carpenters & Decorators 778 7 785 5,440 5,440 6,218 7 6,225
Construction Occupations 1,741 0 1,741 25,313 8 25,321 27,054 8 27,062
Equipments & Instruments Assembly Occupations 94 0 94 132 2 134 226 2 228
Unknown 288 107 395 217 22 239 505 129 634
Total 64,083 13,185 77,268 113,071 21,731 134,802 177,154 34,916 212,070

Source: Central Informatics Organisation (CIO) – Bahrain


1. Technical Notes and Definitions

census year reference period implementing institution implementation method population covered
1981 November 16 Ministry of Finance
Statistics Department
field interviews de jure, de facto all individuals (nationals and non-nationals): 1- present within the country’s borders during time of reference; 2- residing in Bahrain irrespective of where are they at census times
1991 April 6 Central Informatics Organisation (CIO) field interviews
2001 April 7 field interviews; characteristics of population in collective households (among which labour camps) was obtained from sponsors
2010 April 27 based on administrative records

Nationality of the person is defined by the passport used to enter the country. A Non-Bahrainis is considered as such depending on the passport used to enter the country (or obtain the visa).
Period of reference for employment refers to the 7-days period prior to the survey.
Population of reference in table: all employed individuals (nationals and non-nationals) aged 15 and above
Employed population includes population in the following categories:
Employer: A person who operates his / her own economic enterprise or engages independently in a profession for trade and hires one or more employees.
Self-employed: A person who operates his / her own economic enterprise or engages independently in a profession or trade and hires nobody.
Paid employee: A person who works for a public or private organization and receives regular wages / salary whether in cash or in kind.
Unpaid worker: A person works for an enterprise, usually owned by some of his relatives, without receiving a salary / wage
Classification of occupations are encoded in line with the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO) of the International Labour Organization (ILO), as noted by the CIO.

2. Institution which provides data

Central Informatics Organization, known prior to 2001 as the “Central Statistics Organization” under the Ministry of Cabinet Affairs.

3. Data availability

Figures and results reported here are available on the Central Informatics Organisation (CIO) website. For Arabic version: ( For the English version: (
The CIO often provides its figures and estimates through tables in PDF format.
Data and figures of this 1991′ census table can be found: (
This data can also be found in Statistical Abstract 2000, Labor Force section, found through: (
General information on the coding of occupation classifications under the CIO can be found: (
Information on the ISCO occupations classification under the ILO can be found: (

Date of access: July 2014

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