Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

An international independent, non-partisan, non-profit programme hosted and supported by the Gulf Research Center. The programme provides data, analyses, and recommendations contributing to the improvement of understanding and management of Gulf labour migration, population, and labour markets, engaging with and respecting the viewpoints of all stakeholders.
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Bahrain: Population estimates by nationality (Bahraini/Non-Bahraini) (mid-year estimates, 1991-2023)

Bahrainis Non-Bahrainis Total
1991 320,389 182,663 503,052
1992 328,226 188,232 516,458
1993 336,251 193,974 530,225
1994 344,479 199,887 544,366
1995 352,900 205,979 558,879
1996 361,530 212,262 573,792
1997 370,377 218,738 589,115
1998 379,435 225,407 604,842
1999 388,714 232,275 620,989
2000 398,221 239,361 637,582
2001 409,619 251,697 661,316
2002 427,246 283,307 710,553
2003 445,630 318,887 764,517
2004 464,807 358,934 823,741
2005 484,810 404,012 888,822
2006 505,672 454,752 960,424
2007 527,432 511,863 1,039,295
2008 541,587 561,909 1,103,496
2009 558,011 620,404 1,178,415
2010 570,687 657,856 1,228,543
2011 584,688 610,332 1,195,020
2012 599,629 609,335 1,208,964
2013 614,830 638,361 1,253,191
2014 630,744 683,818 1,314,562
2015 647,835 722,487 1,370,322
2016 664,707 759,019 1,423,726
2017 677,506 823,610 1,501,116
2018 689,714 813,377 1,503,091
2019 701,827 781,929 1,483,756
2020 713,263 758,941 1,472,204
2021 719,741 784,624 1,504,365
2022 714,011 810,682 1,524,693
2022 (12) 721,657 835,525 1,557,182
2023 727,352 849,707 1,577,059

Source: Information & eGovernment Authority (IGA)                   


ANNEXED NOTE                               


  1. Technical Notes and Definitions


The table provides mid-year intercensal estimates of Bahrain’s total resident population (nationals and non-nationals).

In October 2015, the Bahraini e-Government Authority merged with the Central Informatics Organization to form the Information and e-Government Authority (IGA), which manages and oversees all national digital assets. The IGA maintains, and is part of, the Government Data Network, established in 1994, which links together 300 governmental entities.


Reference dates of censuses:                    

1941     January 22nd, 1941

1950     March 1950

1959     May 1959

1965     February 13th, 1965

1971     April 1971

1981     n.d.

1991     n.d.

2001     April 7th, 2001

2010     April 27th, 2010

2020     March 17th, 2020


Censuses’ implementation methods:                   

Until 1981: field enumeration (household survey)+de jure methodology, i.e. counting persons using their usual place of residence irrespective of where are they at census times

1991; 2001: field enumeration (household survey)+ first use of administrative records

2010: mixed census, based on both administrative records and a household survey sample of 15,000 Bahraini and non-Bahraini households.

2020 census was conducted solely on the basis of administrative records on the de jure population of the Kingdom.


Population of reference: all individuals (nationals and non-nationals) usually present within the State’s borders during time of reference.


The nationality of the person is defined by the passport used to enter the country. A non-Bahraini is considered as such depending on the passport used to enter the country (or obtain the visa)

  1. Institution which provides data


Information & eGovernment Authority (IGA)


  1. Data availability


Published results of past censuses (until 2020) are no longer available online, as of 07 February 2024.

Some datasets from census 2020 and the present intercensal population estimates are available on IGA’s Bahrain Open Data Portal:


Date of access: February 2024


GLMM and GRC cannot guarantee that the link to access the source will not change; that the information will not be removed from the website it was obtained from; that no geo-blockages will be imposed; or that the information will not be available for any another reason.                             


Keywords: Bahrain, National Population, Foreign Population

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