Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

An international independent, non-partisan, non-profit programme hosted and supported by the Gulf Research Center. The programme provides data, analyses, and recommendations contributing to the improvement of understanding and management of Gulf labour migration, population, and labour markets, engaging with and respecting the viewpoints of all stakeholders.
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Bahrain: Population aged 15 and above by nationality (Bahraini/ non-Bahraini), sex and relation to labour force (2020)

    Bahrainis Non-Bahrainis TOTAL
    Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females Total
In Labour Force Employed 146,212 95,528 241,740 524,386 96,962 621,348 670,598 192,490 863,088
Unemployed 3,217 9,253 12,470 0 0 0 3,217 9,253 12,470
 Total 149,429 104,781 254,210 524,386 96,962 621,348 673,815 201,743 875,558
Outside Labour Force Student 48,647 47,113 95,760 9,560 9,963 19,523 58,207 57,076 115,283
Housewife 0 78,127 78,127 0 56,669 56,669 0 134,796 134,796
Unable to work 1,738 1,556 3,294 28 28 56 1,766 1,584 3,350
Retired 30,517 10,858 41,375 96 12 108 30,613 10,870 41,483
Others 17,205 2,311 19,516 3,860 1,641 5,501 21,065 3,952 25,017
65 and Above 2,986 335 3,321 462 92 554 3,448 427 3,875
 Total 101,093 140,300 241,393 14,006 68,405 82,411 115,099 208,705 323,804
TOTAL 250,522 245,081 495,603 538,392 165,367 703,759 788,914 410,448 1,199,362

Source: Central Informatics Organization (CIO)/ Information & eGovernment Authority (IGA)




  1. Technical Notes and Definitions


In October 2015, the Bahraini e-Government Authority merged with the Central Informatics Organization to form the Information and e-Government Authority (IGA), which manages and oversees all national digital assets.

The IGA maintains, and is part of, the Government Data Network, established in 1994, which links together 300 governmental entities.


Reference dates of censuses:

1941 January 22nd, 1941
1950 March 1950  
1959 May 1959  
1965 February 13th, 1965
1971 April 1971  
1981 n.d.  
1991 n.d.  
2001 April 7th, 2001
2010 April 27th, 2010
2020 March 17th, 2020


Censuses’ implementation methods:

Until 1981: field enumeration (household survey)+de jure methodology, i.e. counting persons using their usual place of residence irrespective of where are they at census times

1991; 2001: field enumeration (household survey)+ first use of administrative records

2010: mixed census, based on both administrative records and a household survey sample of 15,000 Bahraini and non-Bahraini households.

2020 census was conducted solely on the basis of administrative records on the de jure population of the Kingdom.

Population of reference: all individuals (nationals and non-nationals) usually present within the State’s borders during time of reference.

Nationality of the person is defined by the passport used to enter the country. A non-Bahraini is considered as such depending on the passport used to enter the country (or obtain the visa)


  1. Institution which provides data


Central Informatics Organization/Information & eGovernment Authority (IGA)


  1. Data availability


Published results of censuses 2001, 2010 and 2020 are available on IGA’s Bahrain Open Data Portal:

section “documents”.


Date of access: March 2023

GLMM and GRC cannot guarantee that the link to access the source will not change; that the information will not be removed from the website it was obtained from; that no geo-blockages will be imposed; or that the information will not be available for any another reason.




Bahrain, Labour Market, Employment, Unemployment, Female Employment, National & Foreign Labour, National Labour, Foreign Labour

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