Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

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Bahrain: Estimated population employed in the domestic sector by nationality (Bahraini/non-Bahraini) and sex (Q1 2012 – Q2 2023)

  Bahrainis Non-Bahrainis Total
  Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females Total
2012: Q1 0 0 0 33,067 55,557 88,624 33,067 55,557 88,624
Q2 0 0 0 33,341 56,783 90,124 33,341 56,783 90,124
Q3 0 0 0 34,369 58,192 92,561 34,369 58,192 92,561
Q4 0 0 0 35,813 59,484 95,297 35,813 59,484 95,297
2013: Q1 0 0 0 37,285 61,039 98,324 37,285 61,039 98,324
Q2 0 0 0 37,915 62,434 100,349 37,915 62,434 100,349
Q3 0 0 0 38,916 63,786 102,702 38,916 63,786 102,702
Q4 0 0 0 39,629 64,099 103,728 39,629 64,099 103,728
2014: Q1 0 0 0 40,398 64,805 105,203 40,398 64,805 105,203
Q2 0 0 0 41,173 64,932 106,105 41,173 64,932 106,105
Q3 0 0 0 41,828 65,169 106,997 41,828 65,169 106,997
Q4 0 0 0 42,318 65,393 107,711 42,318 65,393 107,711
2015: Q1 0 0 0 42,861 65,886 108,746 42,861 65,886 108,746
Q2 0 0 0 43,720 66,645 110,365 43,720 66,645 110,365
Q3 0 0 0 44,085 66,918 111,002 44,085 66,918 111,002
Q4 0 0 0 44,085 66,918 111,002 44,085 66,918 111,002
2016: Q1 0 0 0 44,085 66,918 111,002 44,085 66,918 111,002
Q2 0 0 0 44,085 66,918 111,002 44,085 66,918 111,002
Q3 0 0 0 44,085 66,918 111,002 44,085 66,918 111,002
Q4 0 0 0 44,085 66,918 111,002 44,085 66,918 111,002
2017: Q1 0 0 0 24,112 75,305 99,417 24,112 75,305 99,417
Q2 0 0 0 23,809 76,249 100,058 23,809 76,249 100,058
Q3 0 0 0 23,288 75,088 98,376 23,288 75,088 98,376
Q4 0 0 0 23,044 75,861 98,905 23,044 75,861 98,905
2018: Q1 0 0 0 23,649 79,878 103,527 23,649 79,878 103,527
Q2 0 0 0 22,478 69,374 91,852 22,478 69,374 91,852
Q3 0 0 0 22,275 67,885 90,160 22,275 67,885 90,160
Q4 0 0 0 22,552 68,039 90,591 22,552 68,039 90,591
2019: Q1 0 0 0 23,254 64,488 87,742 23,254 64,488 87,742
Q2 0 0 0 23,506 63,938 87,444 23,506 63,938 87,444
Q3 0 0 0 23,677 63,409 87,086 23,677 63,409 87,086
Q4 0 0 0 24,033 63,47 87,503 24,033 63,470 87,503
2020: Q1 0 0 0 24,351 63,759 88,110 24,351 63,759 88,110
Q2 0 0 0 22,939 57,512 80,451 22,939 57,512 80,451
Q3 0 0 0 22,064 53,344 75,408 22,064 53,344 75,408
Q4 0 0 0 21,758 51,236 72,994 21,758 51,236 72,994
2021: Q1 0 0 0 21,720 51,276 72,996 21,720 51,276 72,996
Q2 0 0 0 21,620 51,012 72,632 21,620 51,012 72,632
Q3 0 0 0 21,475 50,169 71,644 21,475 50,169 71,644
Q4 0 0 0 21,681 50,789 72,470 21,681 50,789 72,470
2022: Q1 0 0 0 21,886 51,793 73,679 21,886 51,793 73,679
Q2 0 0 0 22,148 52,748 74,896 22,148 52,748 74,896
Q3 0 0 0 22,415 53,839 76,254 22,415 53,839 76,254
Q4 0 0 0 22,677 55,030 77,707 22,677 55,030 77,707
2023: Q1 0 0 0 22,842 56,023 78,865 22,842 56,023 78,865
Q2 0 0 0 22,850 56,050 78,900 22,850 56,050 78,900

Source: BLMI, Labour Market Regulation Authority (LMRA)


1. Technical Notes and Definitions

Data are extracted from the files submitted by Expatriate Management System (LMRA-EMS), General Organisation for Social Insurance (GOSI), Pension Fund Commission (PFC), and Civil Service Bureau (CSB) monthly data files to LMRA.Estimates of employed population include all civilian employed persons in the private and public sectors (insured, uninsured and self-employed) and domestic workers.

LMRA data do not include non-civilian employees (engaged in military, defense and other relevant entities and ranked as so).

1. From 2008 Q2 onward, “Public sector” for non-Bahraini workers refers to workers in the “Government sector” of the Expatriate Management System (EMS) of LMRA.
2. “Private Sector” for non-Bahraini workers refers to the sum of “Commercial” and “Non-Commercial, Non-Government” (NCNG) sectors of LMRA’s EMS system.
3. Male population includes persons with unrecorded sex attribute.
4. Details may not add up to totals due to rounding error. Also, data from this table may differ from totals obtained from other tables in the series (Tables A1, A2, A06, A07, A10 and A99).
5. The drop in number of domestic workers in Q2 2018 is due to data cleansing of domestic records during Q2 at LMRA
6. From the period 2019 Q1 onwards the Domestic permit counts have been reviewed to include the domestic workers holding active work permits in addition to in-progress permits issued with a residence permit. The count also includes domestic permits due for renewal that have not been terminated or cancelled by the employer.

Definition of domestic worker:

Employment as defined by the LMRA is in line with the ILO resolution concerning statistics of the economically active population, employment, unemployment and underemployment.
It includes all persons above a specific age during a specific period either in paid employment or in self-employment and includes the following:

(a) paid employment
(a1) at work: persons who during the reference period performed some work for wage or salary, in cash or in kind, even for one hour
(a2) with a job but not at work: persons who, having already worked in their present job, were temporarily not at work during the reference period and had a formal attachment to their job(e.g., absence because of illness or injury, holiday or vacation, strike or lockout, educational or training leave, maternity or parental leave, reduction in economic activity, etc.)
(b) self employment
(b1) at work: persons who during the reference period performed some work for profit or family gain, in cash or in kind
(b2) with an enterprise but not at work: persons with an enterprise, which may be a business enterprise, a farm or a service undertaking, who were temporarily not at work during the reference period for any specific reason.

Estimates of employed population are no longer available in the Bahrain Labour Market Indicators (BLMI) publications after Q2 2023.

2. Institution which provides data

Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA)

3. Data availability

Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA), Kingdom of Bahrain, based on data from Bahrain Labour Market Indicators.
Data are tabulated in PDF format.

The definitions that the LMRA adopts for its data can be found in the Glossary section:

Date of access:  September 2024.

GLMM and GRC cannot guarantee that the link to access the source will not change;
that the information will not be removed from the website it was obtained from;
that no geo-blockages will be imposed; or that the information will not be available for any another reason.

Keywords: Bahrain, National Labour, Foreign Labour, Employment, Female Employment, Domestic Workers

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