Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

An international independent, non-partisan, non-profit programme hosted and supported by the Gulf Research Center. The programme provides data, analyses, and recommendations contributing to the improvement of understanding and management of Gulf labour migration, population, and labour markets, engaging with and respecting the viewpoints of all stakeholders.
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Bahrain: Employed population by nationality (Bahraini/Non-Bahraini) sex and occupation (2010)

Bahraini Non-Bahraini Total
males females total males females total males females total
Legislators, Administration Directors and Managers,Working Proprietors 18,566 8,897 27,463 25,021 3,056 28,077 43,587 11,953 55,540
Scientific, Technical and Human Matters Professionals 11,318 12,222 23,540 25,060 4,136 29,196 36,378 16,358 52,736
Scientific, Technical and Human Subjects Technicians 12,779 9,580 22,359 15,176 4,899 20,075 27,955 14,479 42,434
Clerical Occupations 18,587 15,154 33,741 6,533 2,725 9,258 25,120 17,879 42,999
Sales Occupations 3,412 2,466 5,878 17,252 2,580 19,832 20,664 5,046 25,710
Services Occupations 16,438 4,326 20,764 83,494 68,559 152,053 99,932 72,885 172,817
Agriculture, Stock- Breeding,Aviculture and Hunting Occupations 876 6 882 9,767 1 9,768 10,643 7 10,650
Industrial, Chemical and Food Industries Occupations 6,853 2,007 8,860 30,842 2,060 32,902 37,695 4,067 41,762
Principal and Auxiliary Engineering Occupations 29,706 1,204 30,910 223,731 338 224,069 253,437 1,542 254,979
Unknown 2,015 620 2,635 518 427 945 2,533 1,047 3,580
Total 120,550 56,482 177,032 437,394 88,781 526,175 557,944 145,263 703,207

Source: Central Informatics Organisation (CIO) – Bahrain


1. Technical Notes and Definitions

census year reference period implementing institution implementation method population covered
1981 November 16 Ministry of Finance
Statistics Department
field interviews de jure, de facto all individuals (nationals and non-nationals): 1- present within the country’s borders during time of reference; 2- residing in Bahrain irrespective of where are they at census times
1991 April 6 Central Informatics Organisation (CIO) field interviews
2001 April 7 field interviews; characteristics of population in collective households (among which labour camps) was obtained from sponsors
2010 April 27 based on administrative records

Nationality of the person is defined by the passport used to enter the country. A Non-Bahrainis is considered as such depending on the passport used to enter the country (or obtain the visa).
Period of reference for employment refers to the 7-days period prior to the survey.
Population of reference in table: all employed individuals (nationals and non-nationals) aged 15 and above
Employed population includes population in the following categories:
Employer: A person who operates his / her own economic enterprise or engages independently in a profession for trade and hires one or more employees.
Self-employed: A person who operates his / her own economic enterprise or engages independently in a profession or trade and hires nobody.
Paid employee: A person who works for a public or private organization and receives regular wages / salary whether in cash or in kind.
Unpaid worker: A person works for an enterprise, usually owned by some of his relatives, without receiving a salary / wage
Classification of occupations are encoded in line with the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO) of the International Labour Organization (ILO), as noted by the CIO.

2. Institution which provides data

Central Informatics Organization, known prior to 2001 as the “Central Statistics Organisation” under the Ministry of Cabinet Affairs.

3. Data availability

Figures and results reported here are available on the Central Informatics Organisation (CIO) website. For Arabic version: ( For the English version: (
The CIO often provides its figures and estimates through tables in PDF format.
The CIO has 2001′ census figures for this particular classification in total population and Bahraini population. Therefore, the non-Bahraini population division was calculated as total minus Bahraini for each sex
Data and figures for the 1991′ and 2001′ censuses regarding the labor force can be found: (
Figures for this 2001′ census total employed population can be found: (
Figures for this 2001′ census Bahraini employed population can be found: (
Relevant data can be also found in Statistical Abstract 2001, found through: (
General information on the coding of occupation classifications under the CIO can be found: (
Information on the ISCO occupations classification under the ILO can be found: (

Date of access: July 2014

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