Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

An international independent, non-partisan, non-profit programme hosted and supported by the Gulf Research Center. The programme provides data, analyses, and recommendations contributing to the improvement of understanding and management of Gulf labour migration, population, and labour markets, engaging with and respecting the viewpoints of all stakeholders.

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GCC: National and foreign populations (aged 10 and above) by sex and educational status (2010)

Bahrain Kuwait Oman Qatar Saudi Arabia UAE
males females males females males females males females males females males females
Illiterate 6,259 17,993 N.A. N.A. 57,509 122,365 1,810 5,773 391,890 1,145,244 N.A. N.A.
Reads and writes 18,954 21,924 55,922 53,351 11,033 12,254 852,543 1,098,691
Primary 24,392 15,862 176,607 159,677 15,341 13,156 1,403,833 1,334,833
Preparatory/ Intermediate/vocational 43,903 35,723 127,247 99,576 17491 13368 1,603,136 1,310,071
Secondary 73,086 68,333 239,394 211,139 22,567 22,051 2,216,895 1,604,481
Post-Secondary/ Pre-Univ. Diploma 13,725 15,173 37,719 36,318 2,325 1,703 393,247 176,165
University 11,607 15,678 44,878 47,378 15,227 20,126 842,661 838,127
Master degree/ Higher Diploma 2,259 1,929 6,688 2,366 49,330 14,128
Ph.D 421 129 1,337 454 21,619 5,644
Not Stated/other 37 78 11 10 25 29
Total 194,643 192,822 747,312 732,634 85,819 88,460 7,775,154 7,527,384


Foreign nationals
Bahrain Kuwait Oman Qatar Saudi Arabia UAE
males females males females males females males females males females males females
Illiterate 18,508 10,952 N.A. N.A. 61,962 20,796 38,883 8,112 631,245 215,988 N.A. N.A.
Reads and writes 134,855 55,674 159,004 43,887 290,325 53,473 1,135,408 441,670
Primary 78,996 12,272 112,102 18,475 282,452 37,759 949,686 308,116
Preparatory/ Intermediate/vocational 68,481 23,315 79,164 15,912 146,593 28,991 1,075,907 342,256
Secondary 70,490 20,329 87,770 24,231 203,202 46,235 756,067 313,262
Post-Secondary/ Pre-Univ. Diploma 39,658 16,046 31,361 11,290 29,449 9,986 227,873 88,460
University 24,739 9,748 45,915 23,481 122,130 59,903 497,409 252,638
Master degree/ Higher Diploma 10,423 3,763 11,247 6,346 48,524 18,166
Ph.D 915 257 2,470 907 23,649 9,158
Not Stated/other 13 69 68 5 41 29
Total 447,078 152,425 591,063 165,330 1,113,075 244,488 5,345,768 1,989,714

Sources: national censuses, 2010 round.


Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Bahrain: national censuses, 2010 round. Publications from each country’s statistical offices, as tabulated in GLMM database for each country.
Oman: GCC Stat center’s compilation of 2010 census round’s data for educational attainment (downloaded in June 2015,
but not yet available on GCC stats center’s website as of November 2017) .
Data for Kuwait (PACI) are unavailable for 2010; no data is available for the UAE for 2010 (no census), or for any of the Emirates.

Levels of educational attainment are adapted from ISCED classification.
The educational attainment level of an individual is the highest ISCED level successfully completed.
Categories’ labels were standardised. Each country’s data were redistributed under the new labels.

Table as of 11 November 2017.

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