Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

An international independent, non-partisan, non-profit programme hosted and supported by the Gulf Research Center. The programme provides data, analyses, and recommendations contributing to the improvement of understanding and management of Gulf labour migration, population, and labour markets, engaging with and respecting the viewpoints of all stakeholders.
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Working age population by nationality (Qatari/ non-Qatari), sex and level of education (2010)

    Qataris     Non-Qataris     TOTAL  
  males females  total males females  total males females  total
Illiterate 788 3.441 4.229 38.143 7.489 45.632 38.931 10.930 49.861
Read and write-Night school 3.008 4.806 7.814 284.068 48.058 332.126 287.076 52.864 339.940
Primary 7.645 5.786 13.431 270.161 26.547 296.708 277.806 32.333 310.139
Preparatory 16.794 13.012 29.806 121.648 26.561 148.209 138.442 39.573 178.015
Vocational 152 5 157 22.650 404 23.054 22.802 409 23.211
Secondary 22.321 22.010 44.331 202.699 46.015 248.714 225.020 68.025 293.045
Post secondary 2.282 1.696 3.978 29.292 9.931 39.223 31.574 11.627 43.201
University and above 15.021 20.104 35.125 120.724 59.671 180.395 135.745 79.775 215.520
Other 21 23 44 33 25 58 54 48 102
TOTAL 68.032 70.883 138.915 1.089.418 224.701 1.314.119 1.157.450 295.584 1.453.034

Source: census 2010, QSA






1. Technical Notes and Definitions


Reference period for census 2010: the night of April 21st, 2010.

Implementation method: census is based on de jure method; i.e. registering people according to their usual place of residence at time of census.

Populations in transit or visiting Qatar as tourists, as well as residents of public housing or visitors staying in a household for less than two months after night of reference were excluded.

Populations away from usual residence in Qatar for reasons of duty, or on a visit abroad for less than two months, as well as individuals with no personal housing within Qatar staying with a household for more than two months, are counted in their usual/ present residence during census night.

Population of reference: all individuals (nationals and non-nationals) present within the State’s borders during time of reference, including in labour camps.


Data related to work force include individuals of 15 years old or more (born before April 1995) and refer to the week preceding the enumeration period.


The working age population is defined as the population aged 15 to 65.


2. Institution which provides data


Qatar Statistics Authority (QSA)

( for website in English; for website in Arabic)


3. Data availability


Released parts of census are available on the website of the QSA, in published form in PDF format.

Census 2010′ website:

2010′ census in Excel or PDF format individual tables:


Date of access: June 2013.

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