Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

An international independent, non-partisan, non-profit programme hosted and supported by the Gulf Research Center. The programme provides data, analyses, and recommendations contributing to the improvement of understanding and management of Gulf labour migration, population, and labour markets, engaging with and respecting the viewpoints of all stakeholders.
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UAE: Total labour force in the private sector by economic activity and sex (2011-2019)

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Agriculture 24,627 577 26,009 722 27,080 911 33,013 1,349 33,214 1,262 31,740 858 35,020 910 34,813 949 33,935 708
Fishing 9,793 9 10,316 4 10,221 3 10,815 4 10,934 4 11,084 4 10,983 14 10,492 18 9,786 20
Mining and quarrying 56,638 2,042 61,455 2,146 61,397 2,378 64,534 2,774 65,856 2,830 64,071 2,823 63,480 2,729 61,792 2,760 57,551 2,942
Manufacturing 399,782 10,781 410,821 11,110 407,088 11,452 442,906 12,767 458,059 13,186 458,826 13,219 460,295 13,396 449,572 13,394 454,997 13,919
Electricity, gas and water supply 5,240 181 5,395 188 5,690 185 6,217 224 6,986 231 7,459 242 7,280 246 7,411 250 7,111 247
Construction 1,436,561 18,026 1,418,225 18,821 1,332,186 19,785 1,448,774 23,454 1,552,772 25,437 1,607,056 26,153 1,683,973 27,788 1,653,737 28,679 1,609,864 31,860
Trade and repair services 796,428 82,396 840,694 92,451 856,674 98,939 940,591 113,016 982,774 120,136 990,873 123,167 997,025 124,717 972,262 122,764 978,479 125,436
Hotels and restaurants 127,709 15,112 141,771 18,181 151,234 20,794 173,954 24,067 187,651 25,890 198,075 27,270 207,387 28,162 209,489 28,501 219,558 30,309
Transport, storage and communications 243,876 10,891 261,239 12,264 277,680 13,372 316,931 15,201 341,222 16,047 352,618 15,902 351,898 16,433 333,756 16,657 336,520 16,965
Financial intermediation 36,623 12,937 37,776 13,862 39,326 14,626 43,440 16,304 47,469 18,101 48,964 18,666 51,458 19,709 52,508 20,440 51,166 20,909
Business activities 311,656 45,363 341,731 50,972 365,065 57,356 418,023 69,714 452,255 78,700 468,106 83,654 501,039 92,753 511,149 99,794 537,808 111,437
Education 24,935 29,857 25,725 34,857 26,374 36,322 28,799 42,217 29,913 46,335 30,972 51,161 32,186 55,690 32,131 59,497 31,366 61,786
Health and social work 19,518 18,789 21,727 22,047 24,018 25,129 27,859 30,817 32,000 36,700 35,162 41,957 37,398 45,316 38,979 48,685 38,899 51,129
Social and personal services 84,255 24,177 88,664 28,866 90,739 31,564 99,361 36,483 103,853 39,001 107,016 41,165 110,723 43,771 115,365 43,569 146,013 47,514
Public administration 1,103 268 4,682 1,142
Extraterritorial organizations 11 5 14 11 17 9 7 10 8 12 13 21 15 30 21 31 23 32
Private households 17 20 26 33 34 1 30 1 22 2 19 2 22 1
Undefined/other activities 3,456 423 3,658 516 3,833 673 4,231 838 4,434 978 16,010 1,749 15,299 2,203 22,184 2,863 55,731 4,916
Total 3,581,125 271,566 3,695,240 307,018 3,678,648 333,498 4,059,488 389,239 4,309,434 424,851 4,428,075 448,012 4,565,481 473,869 4,506,783 489,121 4,573,511 521,272

Source: GLMM’s elaboration, based on data from the Labour Market Information System, Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MoHRE)




  1. Characteristics of data


The figures pertain to the number of workers registered in the UAE’s private sector, with the MoHRE.

The “labour force” includes all economically active individuals in the community, whether they are already working or looking for work

Employed persons: Individuals who are already engaged in productive work: it includes individual who are employed, even if they do not work because of illness or injury, holiday or for irregular work at the facilities in which they work for temporary or incidental reasons. This category also includes full-time and part-time workers.

Unemployed: Individuals who are able to work and wishing to do so, were still searching jobs during the survey. This category includes the unemployed who never entered the labour market, and who have previously worked and had to leave their jobs for any reason as a result of labour market conditions.


Reference period: end of year.


Workers employed in the Free Zones are not included in the figures.


Classification of activities: ISIC rev. 3.1


  1. Institution which provides data


Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE):


  1. Data availability


The data is taken from the “open data” section of MoHRE website:

These data for 2011-2019 are available in a raw dataset downloadable in Excel (.csv) format.

Distributions of private sector workers by activity available for the period 2020-2022 are not disaggregated by sex.

Total figures published in this 2011-2019 dataset may have been readjusted by MoHRE in later publications.


Date of access: February 2023.

GLMM and GRC cannot guarantee that the link to access the source will not change; that the information will not be removed from the website it was obtained from; that no geo-blockages will be imposed; or that the information will not be available for any another reason.



United Arab Emirates, Labour Market, Employment, Female Employment

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