Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

An international independent, non-partisan, non-profit programme hosted and supported by the Gulf Research Center. The programme provides data, analyses, and recommendations contributing to the improvement of understanding and management of Gulf labour migration, population, and labour markets, engaging with and respecting the viewpoints of all stakeholders.
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UAE, Dubai: Non-economically active population (aged 15 and above) by nationality (Emirati/Non-Emirati), sex and inactivity status (2011)

  Housewife Full Time Student Not willing
to work
Has income Unable to work Retired, less than
65 years old
65 years
and over
Prisoner Total
Emiratis Male 13,520 434 384 1,305 4,576 467 4,428 10 25,124
Female 18,206 12,833 5,571 41 522 1,188 164 4,057 36 42,618
Total 18,206 26,353 6,005 425 1,827 5,764 631 8,485 46 67,742
Non – Emiratis Male 31,395 1,026 86 737 2,837 36,081
Female 197,137 27,009 12,180 1,340 2,836 240,502
Total 197,137 58,404 13,206 86 2,077 5,673 276,583
Total Male 44,915 1,460 470 1,305 4,576 1,204 7,265 10 61,205
Female 215,343 39,842 17,751 41 522 1,188 1,504 6,893 36 283,120
Total 215,343 84,757 19,211 511 1,827 5,764 2,708 14,158 46 344,325

Source: Labour Force Survey 2011

1. Characteristics of data, definitions

DSC has conducted Labour Force Surveys on Dubai Emirate in 2008, 2009, 2011 and 2012.

Sample of LFS 2011: 2303 households (1010 Emirati households, 999 foreign households and 294 collective households) and 500 workers from labour gatherings.
Date of reference: ? 2011.

The time reference of the survey is:
Visit day is the time reference for the family personal data.
The week ended on the visit day is the time reference for the employment status (employed / unemployed).
Month ended on the visit day is the time reference for job search.
The two years ended on the visit day represent the time reference for training of people who are unemployed and seeking a job.

Economically active population: Adult individuals, 15 years old or older, who are either employed or unemployed.
Economically inactive population: Individuals who are below 15 years old and individuals who are 15 years old or older but the definitions of employed and unemployed person are not applicable to them.
2. Institution which provides data

Dubai Statistics Centre (DSC).

3. Data availability

The results of Dubai Labour Force Surveys are available (in English and in Arabic) at:

A selection of tables and analysis from 2011′ Labour Force Survey appear in a publication available on DSC’s website (PDF format, in Arabic only):

Some tables (in PDF format), definition of concepts and partial methodological indications are available in the LFS’ project page on DSC’s website:

Last date of access: February 3, 2015.

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