Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

An international independent, non-partisan, non-profit programme hosted and supported by the Gulf Research Center. The programme provides data, analyses, and recommendations contributing to the improvement of understanding and management of Gulf labour migration, population, and labour markets, engaging with and respecting the viewpoints of all stakeholders.
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UAE, Dubai: Estimates of total population by sex (1953; 1968; census dates; 2006-2013)

Years Male Female Total
1953 50,000
1968 59,000
1975 128,821 54,366 183,187
1980 187,714 88,587 276,301
1985 247,179 123,609 370,788
1993 406,128 204,798 610,926
1995 478,209 211,211 689,420
2000 611,799 250,588 862,387
2005 989,305 332,148 1,321,453
2006* 1,073,485 348,327 1,421,812
2007* 1,164,576 365,216 1,529,792
2008* 1,263,130 382,843 1,645,973
2009* 1,369,740 401,238 1,770,978
2010* 1,485,046 420,430 1,905,476
2011* 1,536,380 466,790 2,003,170
2012* 1,602,925 502,950 2,105,875
2013* 1,677,330 536,515 2,213,845

Sources: Dubai Statistics Center (Censuses of 1993, 2000, 2005 and estimates 2006-2013)
Ministry of Economy (previously Planning) (Censuses of 1968, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1995)
Kuwait Mission Knowledge Report 1953.


1. Characteristics of data, definitions and population counting operations in the UAE

* 2012 and 2013 figures are estimates for the end of the given year.
Figures presented concern the total population (Emiratis and foreign nationals) residing in the Emirate of Dubai at the given date.

The first population census was conducted in 1968 by the Council of Developing Trucial States.
After Independence in 1971, a population census of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi was conducted that same year.
The first general population and establishments census in the UAE was conducted in 1975. It was the first census in the region following scientific standards and international recommendations. The other federal censuses were conducted in 1980, 1985, 1995 and 2005.
Reference days for UAE censuses: 30/12/1975; 15/12/1980, 16/12/1985, 16/12/1995; 29/10/2001; 06/12/2005.
Implementation method: the census was carried out according to de jure methodology, i.e. counting persons using their usual place of residence
Population of reference: Emirati nationals usually residing in the country+all foreign residents holding a valid residence permit+resident GCC nationals (nationals of other GCC states don’t need a permit to stay in the UAE)

2. Institution which provides data

Dubai Statistics Centre (DSC).

3. Data availability

The data is retrieved from Dubai Statistical Yearbook 2012, chapter “Population and Vital Statistics”.
Data is presented in Excel format.
Dubai SYBs are available online back to 2001 SYB.

The estimate for 2013 is taken from the Population Bulletin of the Emirate of Dubai, published annually by DSC.
The Bulletin is available online in PDF format. It presents no data disagregated by nationality.

Last date of access: February 3, 2015.

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