Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

An international independent, non-partisan, non-profit programme hosted and supported by the Gulf Research Center. The programme provides data, analyses, and recommendations contributing to the improvement of understanding and management of Gulf labour migration, population, and labour markets, engaging with and respecting the viewpoints of all stakeholders.
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UAE, Abu Dhabi: Local government employees by nationality (Emirati/Non-Emirati) (1977-2005)

Year Nationals Non-nationals Total
1977 2,795 10,680 13,475
1978 3,147 12,975 16,122
1979 3,431 15,204 18,635
1980 3,739 17,548 21,287
1981 3,922 19,466 23,388
1982 4,105 21,239 25,344
1983 4,507 21,662 26,169
1984 4,974 21,955 26,929
1985 5,198 23,350 28,548
1986 5,518 23,932 29,450
1987 5,385 23,471 28,856
1988 5,405 23,722 29,127
1989 5,697 24,680 30,377
1990 5,970 25,410 31,380
1991 6,138 26,106 32,244
1992 6,118 26,840 32,958
1993 6,291 28,231 34,522
1994 6,639 30,332 36,971
1995 6,887 32,321 39,208
1996 6,875 33,528 40,403
1997 6,891 34,342 41,233
1998 7,089 34,636 41,725
1999 5,734 27,445 33,179
2000 6,186 28,081 34,267
2001 6,926 28,702 35,628
2002 7,657 28,619 36,276
2003 7,976 24,586 32,562
2004 7,920 20,630 28,550
2005 7,907 18,165 26,072

Department of Organisation and Administration (1977-2001)
Department of Civil service; Department of Finance (2002-2005)


1. Characteristics of data, definitions

After finding a job and negotiating a job contract, expats must provide their employer with the official documents needed to start the recruitment procedure.
The entry permit is then issued, which allows the worker/ family dependant to come to Abu Dhabi and the UAE.
For a worker, the delivery of the labour permit is conditional to a medical exam passed after arrival.
The duration of the labour permit is three years.
Employed person: An individual, 15 years old or older, who works for a salary during the week of the time reference, either working for others or self-employed,
as well as those who have a job but are not on duty during the week of the time reference (for being on vacation or are delegated for training courses or work programs by their employers and those who work for a family without wage).

2. Institution which provides data

Statistics centre of Abu Dhabi (SCAD), Abu Dhabi

3. Data availability

The SCAD provides thematic volumes with time series for various indicators related to development (population, demography, labour, etc.) since 1960. The present series has been published in December 2012.
Data is available under various formats (PDF, Excel, html).

Date of access: January 2015.

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