Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

An international independent, non-partisan, non-profit programme hosted and supported by the Gulf Research Center. The programme provides data, analyses, and recommendations contributing to the improvement of understanding and management of Gulf labour migration, population, and labour markets, engaging with and respecting the viewpoints of all stakeholders.
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UAE, Abu Dhabi Emirate: Population by nationality (Emirati/Non-Emirati), age group and sex (mid- 2013)

Age Group Nationals Non-nationals TOTAL
Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females Total
0-4 37,485 35,618 73,103 41,728 38,370 80,098 79,213 73,988 153,201
5-9 33,521 31,545 65,066 40,415 36,987 77,402 73,936 68,532 142,468
10-14 27,275 24,878 52,153 34,000 30,475 64,475 61,275 55,353 116,628
15-19 25,698 24,237 49,935 33,282 27,990 61,272 58,980 52,227 111,207
20-24 24,991 24,162 49,153 182,647 54,987 237,634 207,638 79,149 286,787
25-29 25,756 24,493 50,249 338,667 76,587 415,254 364,423 101,080 465,503
30-34 24,115 21,342 45,457 273,317 64,342 337,659 297,432 85,684 383,116
35-39 16,495 15,524 32,019 199,197 48,186 247,383 215,692 63,710 279,402
40-44 11,186 10,700 21,886 139,523 33,161 172,684 150,709 43,861 194,570
45-49 8,106 7,904 16,010 91,271 22,503 113,774 99,377 30,407 129,784
50-54 5,996 6,583 12,579 62,702 14,705 77,407 68,698 21,288 89,986
55-59 4,759 4,922 9,681 35,338 8,327 43,665 40,097 13,249 53,346
60-64 3,843 3,263 7,106 13,320 4,037 17,357 17,163 7,300 24,463
65-69 2,382 1,940 4,322 4,253 1,947 6,200 6,635 3,887 10,522
70-74 1,802 1,530 3,332 1,673 1,076 2,749 3,475 2,606 6,081
75-79 1,005 843 1,848 659 597 1,256 1,664 1,440 3,104
80+ 836 633 1,469 590 869 1,459 1,426 1,502 2,928
Total 255,251 240,117 495,368 1,492,582 465,146 1,957,728 1,747,833 705,263 2,453,096

Source: Statistics Centre – Abu Dhabi


1. Characteristics of data, definitions

Since 2011, Islands were merged with Abu Dhabi Region and Al Gharbia
All numbers are rounded to the nearest 1000 persons, therefore, numbers may not add to totals.

The population data in the Statistical Yearbook includes Census data up to
2005 and mid-year estimates of the usual resident population from 2006.
The population estimates include people who are usual residents, temporary
absents and Emirati citizens away from the Emirate, who are legally entitled
to live in UAE. The mid-year 2013 population estimate is preliminary and
subject to revision.

2. Institution which provides data

Statistics centre of Abu Dhabi (SCAD), Abu Dhabi

3. Data availability

The data is taken from 2014 Statistical Yearbook (dat of publication: Nov. 2014; reference period: 2013)
Data is available under various formats (PDF, Excel, html).

Date of access: January 2015.

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