Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

An international independent, non-partisan, non-profit programme hosted and supported by the Gulf Research Center. The programme provides data, analyses, and recommendations contributing to the improvement of understanding and management of Gulf labour migration, population, and labour markets, engaging with and respecting the viewpoints of all stakeholders.

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Saudi Arabia: Working age population (aged 15 and above) by nationality (Saudi/non-Saudi), sex and age group (May 2015)

Age   Saudis     Non-Saudis     Total      
group Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
15-19 1,050,956 1,064,519 2,115,475 236,285 219,108 455,393 1,287,241 1,283,627 2,570,868
20-24 1,020,230 1,024,617 2,044,847 249,439 189,598 439,037 1,269,669 1,214,215 2,483,884
25-29 924,827 944,985 1,869,812 471,434 248,924 720,358 1,396,261 1,193,909 2,590,170
30-34 807,581 839,633 1,647,214 912,106 377,718 1,289,824 1,719,687 1,217,351 2,937,038
35-39 698,730 731,399 1,430,129 1,216,840 468,836 1,685,676 1,915,570 1,200,235 3,115,805
40-44 582,648 602,429 1,185,077 997,021 358,765 1,355,786 1,579,669 961,194 2,540,863
45-49 483,249 492,622 975,871 738,665 149,295 887,960 1,221,914 641,917 1,863,831
50-54 384,714 381,643 766,357 469,502 72,913 542,415 854,216 454,556 1,308,772
55-59 299,909 296,156 596,065 272,053 49,388 321,441 571,962 345,544 917,506
60-64 212,810 212,266 425,076 131,673 32,106 163,779 344,483 244,372 588,855
65+ 373,715 393,946 767,661 78,379 39,740 118,119 452,094 433,686 885,780
Total 6,839,369 6,984,215 13,823,584 5,773,397 2,206,391 7,979,788 12,612,766 9,190,606 21,803,372

source: Labour Force Survey 2015 (Round 1).


1. Technical Notes and Definitions

Sampling frame of LFS 2015 Round 1: Population Census 2010.
Sample size: 33500 households
Reference period: May 2015.
Population of reference: all individuals (nationals and non-nationals) residing in the Kingdom during the period of reference.
The ultimate sampling unit is the household.

The data include:
(a) Person in the labour force: a person aged 15 years and over, employed or unemployed.

(b) Person out of the labour force: A person aged 15 years and over who is not included in the labour force, among which: the persons staying home for domestic activities,
the students, the retired, the self sufficients, the ones unable to enrol in labour, who are not working and do not look for employment for any other reason.

2. Institution which provides data

Central Department of Statistics and Information (CDSI), Ministry and Economy and Planning

3. Data availability

Surveys conducted since 1999 are available on the website of the CDSI (, in PDF format. Tables are also sometimes available in Excel format. (website English version)
The technical notes and tables of contents are displayed in the PDF version, in Arabic only. The tables are in both languages.
Since 2007, Statistical Yearbooks have introduced a section on “Labour Statistics”, which presents a selection of tables from Manpower Surveys.

Date of access: October 2015.

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