Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

An international independent, non-partisan, non-profit programme hosted and supported by the Gulf Research Center. The programme provides data, analyses, and recommendations contributing to the improvement of understanding and management of Gulf labour migration, population, and labour markets, engaging with and respecting the viewpoints of all stakeholders.
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Saudi Arabia: Unemployment rates by nationality (Saudi /non-Saudi) and sex (%, Q1 2017-Q2 2022)

Saudis Non-Saudis Total
Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females Total
2017 Q1 7.20 33.00 12.70 0.50 2.10 0.70 3.20 20.30 5.80
2017 Q2 7.40 33.10 12.80 0.70 3.30 0.90 3.30 22.90 6.00
2017 Q3 7.40 32.70 12.80 0.40 1.60 0.50 3.20 21.10 5.80
2017 Q4 7.50 31.00 12.80 0.50 2.50 0.70 3.20 21.10 6.00
2018 Q1 7.60 30.90 12.90 0.70 2.60 0.90 3.40 21.00 6.10
2018 Q2 7.60 31.10 12.90 0.50 2.50 0.70 3.30 20.00 6.00
2018 Q3 7.50 30.90 12.80 0.60 3.10 0.90 3.30 19.90 6.00
2018 Q4 6.60 32.50 12.70 0.60 4.40 1.00 2.90 22.60 6.00
2019 Q1 6.60 31.70 12.50 0.40 2.50 0.60 2.80 21.00 5.70
2019 Q2 6.00 31.10 12.30 0.20 0.90 0.30 2.50 21.00 5.60
2019 Q3 5.80 30.80 12.00 0.20 1.00 0.30 2.50 20.70 5.50
2019 Q4 4.90 30.80 12.00 0.30 1.30 0.40 2.20 21.30 5.70
2020 Q1 5.60 28.20 11.80 0.40 2.00 0.50 2.50 20.70 5.70
2020 Q2 8.10 31.40 15.40 2.30 9.50 3.10 4.70 25.30 9.00
2020 Q3 7.90 30.20 14.90 1.90 9.10 2.70 4.40 24.60 8.50
2020 Q4 7.10 24.40 12.60 1.70 9.10 2.60 4.00 20.20 7.40
2021 Q1 7.20 21.20 11.70 1.30 5.50 1.90 3.70 16.10 6.50
2021 Q2 6.10 22.30 11.30 1.80 6.30 2.40 3.50 17.10 6.60
2021 Q3 5.90 21.90 11.30 1.50 7.40 2.40 3.30 17.10 6.60
2021 Q4 5.20 22.50 11.00 2.00 9.00 2.90 3.30 18.70 6.90
2022 Q1 5.10 20.20 10.10 1.60 6.40 2.20 3.10 16.20 6.00
2022 Q2 4.70 19.30 9.70 1.30 6.20 1.90 2.80 15.80 5.80

Source: Labour Force Survey, in: Labour Market Statistics, General Authority for Statistics (GAStat)


     1. Data collection methodology

LFS were first conducted in 2001 and became bi-annual after 2006. Data were collected through
nationally representative household sample surveys, which sampling was based on most recent
censuses. Since 2016, Labour Force Surveys have been conducted and published on a quarterly basis,
based on a household telephone survey conducted by GAStat. Employment data extracted from
administrative records were also introduced as a complement to the results of Labour Force Surveys
in Labour Market Statistics' publications, starting on Q1 2017.

The present data is based on estimates drawn from the results of the quarterly Labour Force
Survey. LFS results are published as rates only. Numerical estimates are unavailable.

GAStat Labour Market Statistics: Labour Force Survey (household telephone survey conducted by

Sample size: 53,360 households, from all administrative regions of Saudi Arabia.

Population covered: residents in Saudi Arabia, Saudis and non-Saudis. All household members,
including domestic workers.

The survey provides estimates of the size of the total and working-age populations (aged 15 years
and above), inside and outside the labour force. It highlights the characteristics of the labour force
(employed and unemployed populations), and supplies the data to calculate key indicators of labour
market such as the unemployment and the labour force participation rates.

Household survey questionnaire:


Unemployed individuals:

Individuals (15 years and above) who were:

1. Without a job in the week preceding the household contact.

2. Seriously looking for work during the four weeks prior to contacting the family. This includes those
who did not search for work during the four weeks prior to the survey because they were waiting to
find work, or to establish their own business during the next period, providing they searched for a job
before the reference period.

3. People who were able to work and ready to join whenever necessary during the week preceding
the household contact or the following two weeks.

– Unemployed individuals who have been working:

Unemployed individuals (15 years and above) who had been working, then left their jobs for any
reason, and who during the time reference were: unemployed, seriously seeking a job and ready to
start working.

Unemployment rate= (number of unemployed individuals ÷ total labour force) x 100

Definitions and categories used by GAStat in Labour Markets Statistics (employment; unemployment;
occupation and activity sectors, etc.) are based on international standards.

For LFS methodology and definitions, see:

2. Institution which provides data

General Authority for Statistics (GAStat)

3. Data availability

Since 2021, GAStat has been publishing separately the employment data taken from administrative
records, and unemployment/inactivity data as well as general indicators, calculated from the results
of the field interviews conducted by GAStat (Labour Force Survey).

The present time-series was taken from the Labour Market Statistics Q2, 2022

English and Arabic versions:;

Date of access: 07 December 2022.

GLMM and GRC cannot guarantee that the link to access the source will not change; that the
information will not be removed from the website it was obtained from; that no geo-blockages will
be imposed; or that the information will not be available for any another reason.


Unemployment, Saudi Arabia, National & Foreign Labour

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