Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

An international independent, non-partisan, non-profit programme hosted and supported by the Gulf Research Center. The programme provides data, analyses, and recommendations contributing to the improvement of understanding and management of Gulf labour migration, population, and labour markets, engaging with and respecting the viewpoints of all stakeholders.
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  • Saudi Arabia: Total employed population (aged 15 and above) by nationality (Saudi / Non-Saudi), sex and sector of employment (governmental, private, domestic labour) (Q3, 2018)

Saudi Arabia: Total employed population (aged 15 and above) by nationality (Saudi / Non-Saudi), sex and sector of employment (governmental, private, domestic labour) (Q3, 2018)

Saudis Non-Saudis Total
Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females Total
Public sector 869,820 521,343 1,391,163 46,948 31,063 78,011 916,768 552,406 1,469,174
Private sector 1,173,765 545,059 1,718,824 6,916,213 212,441 7,128,654 8,089,978 757,500 8,847,478
Domestic services sector 0 0 0 1,659,729 711,661 2,371,390 1,659,729 711,661 2,371,390
Grand total 2,043,585 1,066,402 3,109,987 8,622,890 955,165 9,578,055 10,666,475 2,021,567 12,688,042

Source: GOSI, MCS and MLSD records, in Labour Force Survey 2018 (Q3), GAStat.  
1. Technical Notes and Definitions

Since 2016, Labour Force Surveys are conducted quarterly.
Period of reference: Q3

Since Q3 2016, apart from sample survey results, the Labour Force Surveys’ publications display administrative data:
the records of Saudi and foreign labourers covered by social security schemes  (civil service and social insurance),
as well as Ministry of Labour’s records of domestic labourers.
1. The public sector includes those subject to Civil Service regulations and government employees subject to social insurance regulations (GOSI)
2. The Social Insurance Law of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has become compulsorily applied to all Saudi workers in the private sector and to citizens
of any other GCC Member State, effective from 01/01/2006.
Saudi and foreign workers in the sector have to be recorded by the General Organization for Social Insurance (GOSI).
3. Since 2017, the Ministry of Labour and Social Development records all labourers in the domestic sector.

The present data do not include employees in the security and military sectors and employed persons non-registered in the records of GOSI and MCS
Therefore, data presented here may differ from the concerned ministries’ records of actual employment, and from the results of Labour Force Surveys,
which incorporate all workers in their samples. 
2. Institution which provides data 

General Authority for Statistics (GAStat), Saudi Arabia

3. Data availability 

CDSI’s, and later GAStat’s Labour Force Surveys are available online on GAStat’s website since 1999:
The present data is taken from Labour Force Survey 2018 (Q3) (Excel format).

Last date of access: January 2019.

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