Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

An international independent, non-partisan, non-profit programme hosted and supported by the Gulf Research Center. The programme provides data, analyses, and recommendations contributing to the improvement of understanding and management of Gulf labour migration, population, and labour markets, engaging with and respecting the viewpoints of all stakeholders.
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  • Saudi Arabia: Population aged 15 and above by nationality (Saudi/non-Saudi), activity status and administrative region (governorate) of residence (May 2015)

Saudi Arabia: Population aged 15 and above by nationality (Saudi/non-Saudi), activity status and administrative region (governorate) of residence (May 2015)

Activity status      In the labour force               Out of the labour force          Total      
  Saudis non-Saudis Total Saudis non-Saudis Total Saudis non-Saudis Total
Riyadh 1,289,317 1,905,968 3,195,285 1,887,081 582,404 2,469,485 3,176,398 2,488,372 5,664,770
Makkah 1,322,733 1,775,216 3,097,949 1,828,886 864,070 2,692,956 3,151,619 2,639,286 5,790,905
Madinah 325,239 337,875 663,114 565,458 164,144 729,602 890,697 502,019 1,392,716
Qassim 270,248 275,787 546,035 408,068 36,878 444,946 678,316 312,665 990,981
Easte. Prov. 884,487 1,010,287 1,894,774 1,274,562 263,065 1,537,627 2,159,049 1,273,352 3,432,401
Asir 423,686 314,285 737,971 734,280 36,255 770,535 1,157,966 350,540 1,508,506
Tabuk 208,718 126,686 335,404 236,521 14,065 250,586 445,239 140,751 585,990
Hail 144,217 107,789 252,006 222,632 13,697 236,329 366,849 121,486 488,335
North.Bord. 83,399 53,375 136,774 104,121 5,975 110,096 187,520 59,350 246,870
Jazan 321,455 179,385 500,840 496,017 60,507 556,524 817,472 239,892 1,057,364
Najran 98,744 83,641 182,385 181,674 20,125 201,799 280,418 103,766 384,184
AL – Baha 113,428 60,792 174,220 151,269 8,607 159,876 264,697 69,399 334,096
AL – Jouf 105,892 89,560 195,452 141,452 10,009 151,461 247,344 99,569 346,913
Total 5,591,563 6,320,646 11,912,209 8,232,021 2,079,801 10,311,822 13,823,584 8,400,447 22,224,031

source: Labour Force Survey 2015 (Round 1).

1. Technical Notes and Definitions

Sampling frame of LFS 2015 Round 1: Population Census 2010.
Sample size: 33500 households
Reference period: May 2015
Population of reference: all individuals (nationals and non-nationals) residing in the Kingdom during the period of reference.
The ultimate sampling unit is the household.

(a) Person in the labour force: a person aged 15 years and over, employed or unemployed.

(b) Person out of the labour force: A person aged 15 years and over who is not included in the labour force, among which: the persons staying home for domestics activities, the students, the retired, the self sufficients,
the ones unable to enrol in labour, who are not working and do not look for employment for any other reason.

2. Institution which provides data

Central Department of Statistics and Information (CDSI), Ministry and Economy and Planning

3. Data availability

Surveys conducted since 1999 are available on the website of the CDSI (, in PDF format. Tables are also sometimes available in Excel format. (website English version)
The technical notes and tables of contents are displayed in the PDF version, in Arabic only. The tables are in both languages.
Since 2007, Statistical Yearbooks have introduced a section on “Labour Statistics”, which presents a selection of tables from Manpower Surveys.

Date of access: October 2015.

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