Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

An international independent, non-partisan, non-profit programme hosted and supported by the Gulf Research Center. The programme provides data, analyses, and recommendations contributing to the improvement of understanding and management of Gulf labour migration, population, and labour markets, engaging with and respecting the viewpoints of all stakeholders.
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Saudi Arabia: Non-Saudi population aged 15 and above by sex, age group and marital status (census 2022)

  Never Married Married Divorced Widowed Total Population
  Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females
15-19 165,406 149,171 9,087 13,807 240 337 277 130 175,010 163,445
20-24 526,118 121,385 159,626 73,612 5,612 4,091 5,367 679 696,723 199,767
25-29 1,098,777 153,172 524,203 230,739 11,256 13,372 9,560 2,374 1,643,796 399,657
30-34 937,977 132,523 910,859 338,052 13,463 17,355 9,078 4,368 1,871,377 492,298
35-39 599,867 92,293 1,058,335 323,995 9,638 16,062 4,805 5,910 1,672,645 438,260
40-44 363,017 49,148 906,560 227,493 6,976 12,587 3,404 6,699 1,279,957 295,927
45-49 209,614 26,150 635,579 146,672 4,193 8,416 1,981 6,662 851,367 187,900
50-54 146,776 12,633 462,025 95,186 3,126 5,305 1,899 7,428 613,826 120,552
55-59 87,217 5,542 301,110 58,566 1,941 2,801 1,602 7,436 391,870 74,345
60-64 42,957 2,934 162,336 36,145 1,130 1,706 1,343 8,459 207,766 49,244
65-69 14,768 1,324 68,842 17,000 481 841 1,048 7,019 85,139 26,184
70-74 4,696 670 29,238 7,714 212 405 868 5,964 35,014 14,753
75-79 1,455 355 11,175 3,292 68 192 535 3,849 13,233 7,688
80+ 1,089 554 9,747 2,765 74 215 776 4,747 11,686 8,281
Total 4,199,734 747,854 5,248,722 1,575,038 58,410 83,685 42,543 71,724 9,549,409 2,478,301

Source: GAStat, Saudi Arabia census 2022


ANNEXED NOTE               


  1. Technical Notes and Definitions


Source: Saudi census 2022

Date of reference: 10 May 2022

Population of reference: Families and individual citizens and residents within the Kingdom, regardless of the status of their identification documents. Visitors for Hajj, Umrah and tourism are excluded from the census.


The first phase of the 2020 census began on 3 February 2020 (enumeration of buildings and households). Census 2022 used geospatial data, including satellite images, electricity consumption and mobile phone data, to improve the accuracy and geographic coverage of address canvassing.

The second stage (“actual enumeration”) was due to start on the original reference date (17 March 2020), but was suspended by the outbreak of the COVID-19 crisis. This stage was conducted in October 2021.

The 2022 census used a combined methodology – administrative records, fieldwork and digital self-enumeration. Household data were collected from e-portals of self-enumeration (on residents’ mobile devices, laptops or personal computers, or self-enumeration stations/kiosks, located in shopping centers). The digital self-enumeration process was complemented by face-to-face interviews, using digital tablets.

Census 2022 used a de jure approach: enumerating people according to their usual place of residence.

Administrative data from multiple sources was used to cross-validate collected census data.

Census 2022 was designed as a launchpad for several new secure statistical data registers for population, housing, and businesses.

See census methodology in:

Portal of the Saudi census:


Population data for 2010-22 were revised and backcasted, based on 2022 population census and past years’ administrative data.      

Technical note on backcasting:


  1. Institution which provides data


General Authority for Statistics (GAStat)


  1. Data availability


The table was retrieved from the Saudi census portal on GAStat website:

“Population” section, then “data tables”-

Selected, pre-set tables can be downloaded from the thematic section.


Date of access: 20 July 2023.    

GLMM and GRC cannot guarantee that the link to access the source will not change; that the information will not be removed from the website it was obtained from; that no geo-blockages will be imposed; or that the information will not be available for any another reason.             


Keywords: Saudi Arabia, National Population


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