Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

An international independent, non-partisan, non-profit programme hosted and supported by the Gulf Research Center. The programme provides data, analyses, and recommendations contributing to the improvement of understanding and management of Gulf labour migration, population, and labour markets, engaging with and respecting the viewpoints of all stakeholders.
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Saudi Arabia: Employed population (aged 15 and over) by nationality (Saudi / Non-Saudi), sex and economic activity (August 2016)

  Saudis     Non-Saudis     Total  
Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females Total
 Agriculture, forestry and fishing 251,145 3,050 254,195 305,440 384 305,824 556,585 3,434 560,019
 Mining and quarrying 132,896 2,242 135,138 36,341 0 36,341 169,237 2,242 171,479
 Manufacturing 175,299 16,804 192,103 859,285 10,338 869,623 1,034,584 27,142 1,061,726
 Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 54,538 401 54,939 27,026 273 27,299 81,564 674 82,238
 Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 25,554 475 26,029 23,232 0 23,232 48,786 475 49,261
 Construction 123,247 6,212 129,459 1,881,745 841 1,882,586 2,004,992 7,053 2,012,045
 Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 235,581 31,290 266,871 1,506,501 7,168 1,513,669 1,742,082 38,458 1,780,540
 Transportation and storage 158,548 2,605 161,153 273,454 740 274,194 432,002 3,345 435,347
 Accommodation and food service activities 31,612 3,340 34,952 345,977 1,416 347,393 377,589 4,756 382,345
 Information and communication 49,233 1,266 50,499 83,102 1,392 84,494 132,335 2,658 134,993
 Financial and insurance activities 81,536 7,228 88,764 54,141 369 54,510 135,677 7,597 143,274
 Real estate activities 67,085 2,018 69,103 38,548 0 38,548 105,633 2,018 107,651
 Professional, scientific and technical activities 34,089 4,762 38,851 159,377 886 160,263 193,466 5,648 199,114
 Administrative and support service activities 100,104 6,958 107,062 216,983 1,153 218,136 317,087 8,111 325,198
 Public administration and defence; compulsory social security 1,776,133 41,924 1,818,057 55,424 308 55,732 1,831,557 42,232 1,873,789
 Education 595,908 583,952 1,179,860 70,935 21,453 92,388 666,843 605,405 1,272,248
 Human health and social work activities 234,661 111,554 346,215 128,699 77,889 206,588 363,360 189,443 552,803
 Arts, entertainment and recreation 3,558 1,159 4,717 21,367 453 21,820 24,925 1,612 26,537
 Other service activities 52,369 5,104 57,473 152,200 13,427 165,627 204,569 18,531 223,100
 Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use 1,443 2,971 4,414 462,112 507,747 969,859 463,555 510,718 974,273
 Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies 1,314 411 1,725 6,673 321 6,994 7,987 732 8,719
Total 4,185,853 835,726 5,021,579 6,708,562 646,558 7,355,120 10,894,415 1,482,284 12,376,699

source: GLMM calculations, based on the published results of Labour Force Survey 2016 (Q3).


1. Technical Notes and Definitions

Sampling frame of LFS 2016 Q3: Population Census 2010.
Sample size: 33,325 households
Reference period: August 2016
Population of reference: All the members of the households selected in the sample, including domestic helpers and the like who
live in one house; Saudi and non-Saudi population,living in the Kingdom at the time of the survey.

Employed population: People (15+ years old) who did one of the following jobs during the reference period:
1. People who have been working for at least one hour for a salary or a wage (in cash or in kind)
2. People who provided unpaid assistance for others for at least one hour in any type of business or farm owned by one member of the household;
3. People who have been working for at least one hour for others without a wage or a profit (in cash or in kind) as volunteers;
4. People who were temporarily absent from work throughout the week on leave for illness or for any other reason but they were scheduled to resume work.
Workers include the students, job seekers, retirees, housewives, etc., who worked during the week preceding the visit for at least one hour, provided that this does not include household work.
Reference period for employment: The seven days preceding the interview date.

Classification used for occupations is adapted from ISIC Rev. 4.

2. Institution which provides data

General Authority for Statistics (GAStat)

3. Data availability

Labour Force Surveys conducted since 1999 are available on the website of GAStat, in Excel and PDF formats.

Last date of access: July 2017.

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