Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

An international independent, non-partisan, non-profit programme hosted and supported by the Gulf Research Center. The programme provides data, analyses, and recommendations contributing to the improvement of understanding and management of Gulf labour migration, population, and labour markets, engaging with and respecting the viewpoints of all stakeholders.
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Qatar: Total population by place of residence (household, labour camps, etc.), and gender (Census night, April 2015)

  Households     Labour camps     Public Housing     TOTAL  
males females total males females total males females total males females total
Doha 190,192 185,420 375,612 514,879 64,470 579,349 1,359 137 1,496 706,430 250,027 956,457
Al Rayyan 170,136 188,283 358,419 233,489 10,646 244,135 3,158 0 3,158 406,783 198,929 605,712
Al Wakrah 38,587 40,499 79,086 208,487 10,435 218,922 1,029 0 1,029 248,103 50,934 299,037
Umm Slal 21,958 28,511 50,469 38,393 1,629 40,022 344 0 344 60,695 30,140 90,835
Al Khor 16,382 17,525 33,907 164,520 3,506 168,026 98 0 98 181,000 21,031 202,031
Al Shamal 1,889 2,214 4,103 4,634 57 4,691 0 0 0 6,523 2,271 8,794
Al Da’ayen 12,455 17,608 30,063 23,590 686 24,276 0 0 0 36,045 18,294 54,339
Al Shahniaa 12,362 11,748 24,110 159,040 4,421 163,461 0 0 0 171,402 16,169 187,571
Total 463,961 491,808 955,769 1,347,032 95,850 1,442,882 5,988 137 6,125 1,816,981 587,795 2,404,776

Source: census 2015, MDPS

1. Technical Notes and Definitions

Reference period for census 2015: the night of 20 to 21 April 2015.
Implementation method: census is based on de jure method; i.e. registering people according to their usual place of residence at time of census.
Populations in transit or visiting Qatar as tourists, as well as residents of public housing or visitors staying in a household for less than two months after night of reference were excluded.
Populations away from usual residence in Qatar for reasons of duty, or on a visit abroad for less than two months, as well as individuals with no personal housing within Qatar staying with a household for more than two months, are counted in their usual/ present residence during census night.
Population of reference: all individuals (nationals and non-nationals) present within the State’s borders during time of reference.
Public Housing: It is the collective living quarters (e.g. internal wards in hospitals, dormitories for students, jails, etc.) where individuals reside for some reason. The inmates do not form a family or census household but they have common circumstances to be in public housing. They do not have a usual place of residence in Qatar or they may stay in the collective living quarters away from their usual place of residence.
Continuity may be the prevailing characteristic of accommodation in some types of public housing such as the hospital or the jail. The accommodation may not take more than one night or a few nights. Then, they depart after that, e.g. hotel or guest house

Living Household: For census purposes, a living household is defined as an individual or group of individuals who may or may not be relatives. They live together and make common provisions for food, accommodation and other essentials for living. Anyone who is usually living in the housing unit of the household under enumeration is considered a member of that household (including the servants).
For census purposes, the following are considered as members of the household:
1) The person who spent the enumeration night with the household in the housing unit. This person is referred to as “present”.
2) The person who did not spend the census night in the housing unit for one of the following reasons (This person is referred to as “temporary absent”):
 The person on shift in his work e.g. a physician in a hospital.
 The person on permanent night shifts e.g. night watchman.
 The person on fishing trips in the territorial waters.
 Armed forces personnel stationed within the political boundaries of the State.
 The person who is absent for any other reason from the housing units for a period not exceeding two months preceding the enumeration night.
3) A visitor: He/she is the person who happened to be present at the housing unit on the census night. No data should be taken about him/her if he/she has a usual place of residence inside Qatar and not being absent for a period exceeding two months from that place. But, if he/she has not got a place of usual residence inside Qatar, then information about him should be taken together with the household in that housing unit being enumerated. He/she shall be referred to as a “Visitor”.
4) Qatari household members residing outside the country for any reason and for any time period shall be counted among the household members and to be referred to as “Outside the country”.

Labour camps (or Labour gatherings)
Small Clusters (Gatherings) A group of persons of the same gender (male of female) usually staying in the housing unit. They live as a group (collectively) but there is no relationship between them and they do not form a living household. Their number ranges between 2 and 6 persons
Big Clusters (Gatherings) A group of persons of the same gender usually staying in housing units. They live as a group (collectively) but there is no relationship between them and they do not form a living household. They are seven or more persons who usually belong to one organization (company, establishment, etc).
(Definitions taken from Census 2010′ metadata:

2. Institution which provides data

Ministry of Development Planning and Statistics

3. Data availability

The present table was published in the “Population” section of 2016 Annual Statistical Abstract.

Final results of 2015′ census (PDF format only)

Last date of access: May 2017.


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