Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

An international independent, non-partisan, non-profit programme hosted and supported by the Gulf Research Center. The programme provides data, analyses, and recommendations contributing to the improvement of understanding and management of Gulf labour migration, population, and labour markets, engaging with and respecting the viewpoints of all stakeholders.
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Qatar: Population aged 15 and above by type of household and residence (private household, labour camps, etc.), sex and education level (2020)

Households Labour camps Institutions Total
males females total males females total males females total males females total
Illiterate 1,164 1,877 3,041 16,351 5 16,356 0 0 0 17,515 1,882 19,397
Read and Write \ Night School 12,547 8,532 21,079 164,029 553 164,582 51 0 51 176,627 9,085 185,712
Primary 25,145 51,726 76,871 253,998 6,522 260,520 41 2 43 279,184 58,250 337,434
Preparatory \ Vocational 97,523 112,539 210,062 279,183 15,078 294,261 122 4 126 376,828 127,621 504,449
Secondary \ Post. Secondary 128,794 132,302 261,096 302,979 18,573 321,552 456 26 482 432,229 150,901 583,130
University and Above 281,658 213,854 495,512 239,035 29,994 269,029 2,092 49 2,141 522,785 243,897 766,682
Total 546,831 520,830 1,067,661 1,255,575 70,725 1,326,300 2,762 81 2,843 1,805,168 591,636 2,396,804

Source: census 2020, PSA


1. Technical Notes and Definitions
Qatar conducted population censuses in 1970, 1986, 1997, 2004, 2010, 2015 (a “simplified” census) and in 2020.
Reference period for census 2020: December 2020.
Implementation method: Census 2020 was based on administrative records, supplemented by an online self-enumeration platform,
completed with field enumeration.
Population of reference: All Qatari and non-Qatari individuals residing in the country at the time of the survey.

Household: a household is defined as an individual or group of individuals who may or may not be relatives. They live together and make common provisions
for food, accommodation and other essentials for living. Anyone who is usually living in the housing unit of the household under enumeration is considered
a member of that household (including the servants).

Labour camps (or Labour gatherings)
Small gatherings: A group of persons of the same gender (male of female) usually staying in the housing unit. They live as a group (collectively) but there is no
relationship between them and they do not form a living household. Their number ranges between 2 and 6 persons
Large gatherings: A group of persons of the same gender usually staying in housing units. They live as a group (collectively) but there is no relationship
between them and they do not form a living household. They are seven or more persons who usually belong to one organization (company, establishment, etc).

Institutions or public housing: It is the collective living quarters (e.g. internal wards in hospitals, dormitories for students, jails, etc.) where individuals reside
for a specific purpose. The inmates do not form a family or census household but they have common circumstances to be in public housing.

See the PSA’s “Manual of Statistical Definitions, Concepts & Terms” pertaining to the censuses:

GLMM’s elaboration, based on census 2020’s data.

2. Institution which provides data

Planning and Statistics Authority (PSA)

3. Data availability

Census 2020′ website:;
Detailed results of the Census of Population, Housing and Establishments (December 2020) (Excel and PDF formats)
Main results of the General Census of Population, Housing and Establishments 2020

Date of access: August 2022.

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