Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

An international independent, non-partisan, non-profit programme hosted and supported by the Gulf Research Center. The programme provides data, analyses, and recommendations contributing to the improvement of understanding and management of Gulf labour migration, population, and labour markets, engaging with and respecting the viewpoints of all stakeholders.
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Qatar: Population 15 years and above by nationality (Qatari/ non-Qatari), sex and 10-years age group (2013)

Males  Females  Total  Males  Females  Total  Males  Females  Total 
15 – 24 28,943 28,505 57,448 217,747 51,387 269,134 246,690 79,892 326,582
25 – 34 23,526 21,191 44,717 469,082 106,416 575,498 492,608 127,607 620,215
35 – 44 14,773 15,033 29,806 358,276 71,727 430,003 373,049 86,760 459,809
45 – 54 10,834 13,082 23,916 187,066 27,045 214,111 197,900 40,127 238,027
55 + 11,518 11,801 23,319 81,430 8,849 90,279 92,948 20,650 113,598
Total  89,594 89,612 179,206 1,313,601 265,424 1,579,025 1,403,195 355,036 1,758,231

Source: Quarterly Labour Force Survey, Q4 2013




1. Technical Notes and Definitions


Sampling frame of Quarterly LFS 2013: Population Census 2010.

Sample size for the whole year: about 7000 households from: 1- Qatari households; 2- Non-Qatari regular (non-collective) households; 3- Non-Qatari small collective households (2 – 6 persons); 4- Non-Qatari large collective households (7 persons or more).

One fourth of the sample was covered every quarter; each month one third of the quarterly data was collected.

Reference period for data collection: October-December 2013.

Population of reference: all Qatari and non-Qatari households present in Qatar on the night of survey, living in normal and collective households.

The collective households are a group of persons not related to each other and sharing living conditions in a residential unit, I.e. labor camps, students living boarding schools, nurses in hospitals… etc. The survey covered the small collective households (includes less than 7 persons) and large collective households (includes 7 persons or more).

The survey did not cover short periods accommodation, i.e. hotels.



2. Institution which provides data


Qatar Statistics Authority (QSA), Ministry of Development Planning and Statistics for website in English; for website in Arabic)


3. Data availability


The Statistics Authority conducted the first labor Force Sample Survey in 2001. Starting from 2006, the execution of these surveys came to be on annual basis.

Most Labour Force Surveys and publications related to the labour force are available on QSA’s website, in PDF format and can be downloaded from:

Quarterly Labour Force survey for Q4 2013 is available in Excel format:

See also Qatar Information Exchange, an interactive data base compiling data on the labour force taken from available surveys:


Date of access: April 2014.







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