Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

An international independent, non-partisan, non-profit programme hosted and supported by the Gulf Research Center. The programme provides data, analyses, and recommendations contributing to the improvement of understanding and management of Gulf labour migration, population, and labour markets, engaging with and respecting the viewpoints of all stakeholders.

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Qatar: Non-Qatari population aged 15 and above by sex, 10-year age group and marital status (census 2020)

Non-Qataris Never Married Married Divorced Widow Total
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
15-24 136,406 53,575 41,179 9,700 115 99 62 14 177,762 63,388
25-34 228,860 54,124 425,226 126,441 1,542 1,998 463 337 656,091 182,900
35-44 77,781 21,886 465,591 124,942 1,846 2,727 476 748 545,694 150,303
45-54 19,395 5,579 216,002 52,952 986 1,393 311 854 236,694 60,778
55-64 5,217 1,073 67,616 16,910 391 439 175 990 73,399 19,412
65+ 649 180 14,233 4,867 78 106 256 1,528 15,216 6,681
Total 468,308 136,417 1,229,847 335,812 4,958 6,762 1,743 4,471 1,704,856 483,462

Source: census 2020, PSA




  1. Technical Notes and Definitions

Qatar conducted population censuses in 1970, 1986, 1997, 2004, 2010, 2015 (a “simplified” census) and in 2020.

Reference period for census 2020: December 2020.

Implementation method: Census 2020 was based on administrative records, supplemented by an online self-enumeration platform, completed with field enumeration.

Population of reference: All Qatari and non-Qatari individuals residing in the country at the time of the survey.


  1. Institution which provides data


Planning and Statistics Authority (PSA)


  1. Data availability


Data reprocessed from the Detailed Results of the Census of Population, Housing and Establishments (December 2020).

Census portal and page:

Presents main results and detailed results of the census (Excel and PDF formats)


Date of access: October 2023


GLMM and GRC cannot guarantee that the link to access the source will not change; that the information will not be removed from the website it was obtained from; that no geo-blockages will be imposed; or that the information will not be available for any another reason.


Keywords: Qatar, National Population

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