Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

An international independent, non-partisan, non-profit programme hosted and supported by the Gulf Research Center. The programme provides data, analyses, and recommendations contributing to the improvement of understanding and management of Gulf labour migration, population, and labour markets, engaging with and respecting the viewpoints of all stakeholders.
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Qatar: Employed population aged 15 and above by nationality (Qatari/non-Qatari), sex and sector of economic activity (2020)

Qataris non-Qataris Total
Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females Total
Agriculture and fishing 29 3 32 28,030 215 28,245 28,059 218 28,277
Mining and quarrying 4,442 1,389 5,831 25,805 1,697 27,502 30,247 3,086 33,333
Manufacturing 2,130 450 2,580 98,116 3,512 101,628 100,246 3,962 104,208
Electricity, gas, water supply and waste management 966 608 1,574 9,586 431 10,017 10,552 1,039 11,591
Construction 874 660 1,534 651,366 9,232 660,598 652,240 9,892 662,132
Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles 1,165 421 1,586 219,840 22,022 241,862 221,005 22,443 243,448
Transportation and storage 1,499 618 2,117 121,128 15,619 136,747 122,627 16,237 138,864
Accommodation and food service activities 1,202 944 2,146 65,917 9,772 75,689 67,119 10,716 77,835
Information and communication 1,832 1,111 2,943 17,748 2,951 20,699 19,580 4,062 23,642
Financial and insurance activities 1,792 2,147 3,939 12,865 3,546 16,411 14,657 5,693 20,350
Real estate activities 330 181 511 16,783 1,350 18,133 17,113 1,531 18,644
Professional, scientific and technical activities 653 468 1,121 40,063 8,539 48,602 40,716 9,007 49,723
Administrative and support service activities 745 2,383 3,128 155,003 30,606 185,609 155,748 32,989 188,737
Public administration and defence, compulsory social security 43,732 17,027 60,759 45,378 4,087 49,465 89,110 21,114 110,224
Education 1,986 11,992 13,978 18,779 25,033 43,812 20,765 37,025 57,790
Human health and social work activities 2,065 4,945 7,010 29,741 36,072 65,813 31,806 41,017 72,823
Arts, entertainment and recreation 1,639 768 2,407 7,708 2,980 10,688 9,347 3,748 13,095
Other service activities 92 91 183 12,250 6,206 18,456 12,342 6,297 18,639
Activities of households as employers 0 0 0 65,124 102,116 167,240 65,124 102,116 167,240
Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies 93 18 111 4,404 2,902 7,306 4,497 2,920 7,417
Total 67,266 46,224 113,490 1,645,634 288,888 1,934,522 1,712,900 335,112 2,048,012

Source: census 2020, PSA


1. Technical Notes and Definitions
Qatar conducted population censuses in 1970, 1986, 1997, 2004, 2010, 2015 (a “simplified” census) and in 2020.
Reference period for census 2020: December 2020.
Implementation method: Census 2020 was based on administrative records, supplemented by an online self-enumeration platform,
completed with field enumeration.
Population of reference: All Qatari and non-Qatari individuals residing in the country at the time of the survey.
Classification used: ISIC- Rev. 4.

2. Institution which provides data

Planning and Statistics Authority (PSA)

3. Data availability

Census 2020′ website:;
Detailed results of the Census of Population, Housing and Establishments (December 2020) (Excel and PDF formats)
Main results of the General Census of Population, Housing and Establishments 2020

Date of access: August 2022.

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