Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

An international independent, non-partisan, non-profit programme hosted and supported by the Gulf Research Center. The programme provides data, analyses, and recommendations contributing to the improvement of understanding and management of Gulf labour migration, population, and labour markets, engaging with and respecting the viewpoints of all stakeholders.
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Qatar: Employed population aged 15 and above by nationality (Qatari/non-Qatari), sex and activity sector (2020)

Qataris non-Qataris Total
Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females Total
Ministry / Government Department 49,498 32,542 82,040 65,834 16,695 82,529 115,332 49,237 164,569
Government Establishment / Company 7,225 6,512 13,737 34,222 17,988 52,210 41,447 24,500 65,947
Private 5,270 3,241 8,511 1,459,967 147,420 1,607,387 1,465,237 150,661 1,615,898
Mixed 5,092 3,702 8,794 15,161 1,649 16,810 20,253 5,351 25,604
Diplomatic / International / Regional 93 18 111 4,404 2,902 7,306 4,497 2,920 7,417
Non-Profit 88 209 297 922 118 1,040 1,010 327 1,337
Household 0 0 0 65,124 102,116 167,240 65,124 102,116 167,240
Total 67,266 46,224 113,490 1,645,634 288,888 1,934,522 1,712,900 335,112 2,048,012

Source: census 2020, PSA


1. Technical Notes and Definitions
Qatar conducted population censuses in 1970, 1986, 1997, 2004, 2010, 2015 (a “simplified” census) and in 2020.
Reference period for census 2020: December 2020.
Implementation method: Census 2020 was based on administrative records, supplemented by an online self-enumeration platform,
completed with field enumeration.
Population of reference: All Qatari and non-Qatari individuals residing in the country at the time of the survey.
Establishments in the mixed sector are owned jointly by the government and other parties, whether legal or natural persons.

2. Institution which provides data

Planning and Statistics Authority (PSA)

3. Data availability

Census 2020′ website:;
Detailed results of the Census of Population, Housing and Establishments (December 2020) (Excel and PDF formats)
Main results of the General Census of Population, Housing and Establishments 2020

Date of access: August 2022.

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