Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

An international independent, non-partisan, non-profit programme hosted and supported by the Gulf Research Center. The programme provides data, analyses, and recommendations contributing to the improvement of understanding and management of Gulf labour migration, population, and labour markets, engaging with and respecting the viewpoints of all stakeholders.
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Qatar: Employed population (15 years and above) by nationality (Qatari/ non-Qatari), sex, average weekly work hours and monthly wages (2016).

Average weekly work hours Average monthly wage (Q.R.) Total 
Qatari males 40 35,173 64,491
Qatari females 38 27,137 35,848
Non-Qatari males 51 6,950 1,715,372
Non-Qatari females 54 5,033 233,563
Total males 49 11,166 1,779,863
Total females 51 9,845 269,411
Total 50 10,793 2,049,274

Source: Annual Bulletin of Labor Force Sample survey 2016
1. Technical Notes and Definitions

The data is taken from 2016 Labour Force Survey (yearly synthesis)
Sampling frame of LFS 2016: Population Census 2010.
Sample size: 60,016 persons, in 9,199 households: 1- Qatari households; 2- Non-Qatari regular (non-collective) households;
3- Non-Qatari small collective households or labour gatherings (2 – 6 persons); 4- Non-Qatari large collective households or large labour gatherings (7 persons or more).
Data Collection: The sample was divided into equal parts to collect data monthly.  Each month 1/3 of the quarterly data were collected during the first two weeks of the month.
Reference period for the labour force data: the week prior to data collection day.
Population of reference: all Qatari and non-Qatari households present in Qatar on the night of survey, living in normal and collective households.
The collective households are a group of persons not related to each other and sharing living conditions in a residential unit, I.e. labour camps, students living boarding
schools, nurses in hospitals… etc. The survey covered the small collective households (includes less than 7 persons) and large collective households (includes 7 persons or more).
The survey did not cover short periods accommodation, i.e. hotels.

The present data concerns employed population in paid employment:
The persons who have work, whether they were working or temporarily not working, and performing their work in exchange for wage and salary, whether in cash or in kind.
It is worth noting that the wage amount comprises all cash payments due to the employees, before deducting their contribution to social security schemes,
including taxes and the like, payable at regular weekly, monthly or others intervals, including piecework payments, special allowances for working away from home
or in hazardous circumstances. Also included here allowances payable regularly such as housing, travel allowances as well as salaries payable to employees away from work for short period
e.g. on holiday or as a result of a temporary halt to production. Commissions, gratuities and tips received by the employees are also included
(See Bulletin of Employment, Wages & Working Hours 2005:
1 Qatari Riyal = 0.27465 U.S.$ (May 2018).

2. Institution which provides data 

Ministry of Development Planning and Statistics

3. Data availability 

The Statistics Authority conducted the first labour Force Sample Survey in 2001. Starting from 2006, the execution of these surveys came to be on annual basis, and on a quarterly basis since 2013.
Labour Force Surveys (yearly and quarterly data) can be downloaded from MDPS’s website, in PDF and Excel format:

Figures of wages disagregated by nationality are only available in the Statistical Analysis of Labor Force Sample Survey 2016, p. 18.

Last date of access: May 2018.

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