Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

An international independent, non-partisan, non-profit programme hosted and supported by the Gulf Research Center. The programme provides data, analyses, and recommendations contributing to the improvement of understanding and management of Gulf labour migration, population, and labour markets, engaging with and respecting the viewpoints of all stakeholders.
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Public sector employees by nationality (Saudi/ non-Saudi), sex and professional position, December 2013

  Saudis     non-Saudis     Total  
males females total males females total males females total
General positions 314,059 74,904 388,963 956 98 1,054 315,015 75,002 390,017
Teaching staff 224,955 276,793 501,748 3,051 424 3,475 228,006 277,217 505,223
Health positions 62,161 39,693 101,854 20,811 33,848 54,659 82,972 73,541 156,513
University teaching staff 17,561 15,817 33,378 10,087 3,875 13,962 27,648 19,692 47,340
Judges 1,551 0 1,551 0 0 0 1,551 0 1,551
Investigation and prosecution staff 1,977 0 1,977 0 0 0 1,977 0 1,977
Diplomatic positions 912 38 950 0 0 0 912 38 950
Technical and vocational training corporations 7,068 609 7,677 680 44 724 7,748 653 8,401
Corporations 39,523 489 40,012 18 0 18 39,541 489 40,030
Office attendants 40,792 14,265 55,057 93 4 97 40,885 14,269 55,154
Grand Total 710,559 422,608 1,133,167 35,696 38,293 73,989 746,255 460,901 1,207,156

Source: Ministry of Civil Service


1. Institution which provides data


Ministry of Civil Service, Saudi Arabia


2. Data availability


Data of employment by sector and nationality are not published in CDSI Labour Force Surveys volumes.

Ministry of Civil Service publishes a selection of data in Statistical Yearbooks.

The present data is taken from issue n°2 of the monthly “Ministry of Civil Service Statistical Report”, available at:

Date of access: January 2014


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