Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

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Population (15+ years old) by nationality (Bahraini/ non-Bahraini), sex, education level and marital status (2001)

Bahrainis non-Bahrainis
Never Married Married Divorced Widowed Total Never Married Married Divorced Widowed Total
males females males females males females males females males females males females males females males females males females males females
Illiterate / Read Only 1,045 1,148 7,987 13,908 288 832 364 5,997 9,684 21,885 8,436 3,252 13,958 5,277 29 154 46 397 22,469 9,080
Read & Write 1,687 1,067 5,889 6,332 212 372 106 906 7,894 8,677 9,266 5,891 12,402 5,102 26 168 16 248 21,710 11,409
Primary 9,517 5,306 8,746 6,986 240 381 48 436 18,551 13,109 6,081 2,045 9,292 2,722 12 56 9 87 15,394 4,910
Preparatory 17,460 13,708 9,649 7,677 273 463 27 219 27,409 22,067 9,290 2,979 9,564 3,245 26 49 11 92 18,891 6,365
Above Preparatory 1,992 1,445 1,590 1,086 39 62 9 32 3,630 2,625 2,156 517 3,570 1,190 5 17 6 20 5,737 1,744
Secondary 19,657 17,336 22,964 23,607 565 953 46 281 43,232 42,177 9,504 3,496 16,978 8,223 50 126 26 120 26,558 11,965
Above Secondary / Diploma 1,780 2,081 3,695 3,911 65 165 10 42 5,550 6,199 1,436 889 3,839 2,690 20 43 4 22 5,299 3,644
B.Sc./ B.A. 2,029 2,239 5,895 6,085 112 225 13 71 8,049 8,620 1,679 854 7,535 4,909 31 43 10 30 9,255 5,836
High Diploma 461 466 2,389 1,792 35 81 6 24 2,891 2,363 435 253 2,131 1,243 16 13 4 11 2,586 1,520
Master’s Degree 169 152 1,380 397 29 21 4 5 1,582 575 183 75 1,702 853 16 10 4 8 1,905 946
Doctorate Degree 32 57 447 122 11 10 0 1 490 190 16 10 386 118 3 3 2 0 407 131
Not Stated 5 1 4 2 0 0 0 0 9 3 10,346 883 11,352 1,372 28 14 5 13 21,731 2,282
Total 55,834 45,006 70,635 71,905 1,869 3,565 633 8,014 128,971 128,490 58,828 21,144 92,709 36,944 262 696 143 1,048 151,942 59,832

Source: Central Informatics Organisation (CIO) – Bahrain


1. Technical Notes and Definitions

The table provides data for population present in Bahrain at date of 2001′ census by nationality (Bahraini and non-Bahraini), sex, marital status and highest educational level.
Reference period for Census 2001 is April 7th, 2001
Population of reference: all individuals (nationals and non-nationals) present within Bahrain’s borders during time of reference, be they permanent or temporary residents.
Nationality is the person’s passport country. A Non-Bahrainis is considered as such depending on the passport used to enter the country (or obtain the visa).
Primary education comprises a total of six grades (1-6) and is generally the beginning of systematic apprenticeship of reading, writing mathematics and other subjects
Preparatory education comprises a total of three grades (7-9)
Secondary education comprises of the last three grades of the schooling system (10-12) prior to graduation

2. Institution which provides data

Central Informatics Organization, known prior to 2001 as the “Central Statistics Organisation” under the Ministry of Cabinet Affairs

3. Data availability

This data is available on the Central Informatics Organisation (CIO) website. For the Arabic version: ( For the English version: (
For the 2001 census data: (

Data of access: June 2014

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