Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

An international independent, non-partisan, non-profit programme hosted and supported by the Gulf Research Center. The programme provides data, analyses, and recommendations contributing to the improvement of understanding and management of Gulf labour migration, population, and labour markets, engaging with and respecting the viewpoints of all stakeholders.
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Bahrain: Population (15+ years old) by nationality (Bahraini/ non-Bahraini), sex and highest education level (2010)

  Bahraini Non-Bahraini Total
  males females total males females total
Illiterate/ Read only 6,259 17,993 24,252 18,508 10,952 29,460 53,712
Read & Write 18,954 21,924 40,878 134,855 55,674 190,529 231,407
Primary 24,392 15,862 40,254 78,996 12,272 91,268 131,522
Preparatory 43,903 35,723 79,626 68,481 23,315 91,796 171,422
Secondary 73,086 68,333 141,419 70,490 20,329 90,819 232,238
Above Secondary/Diploma 13,725 15,173 28,898 39,658 16,046 55,704 84,602
BSC or BA. 11,607 15,678 27,285 24,739 9,748 34,487 61,772
High Diploma 955 1,015 1,970 7,206 2,761 9,967 11,937
Masters 1,304 914 2,218 3,217 1,002 4,219 6,437
Doctorate 421 129 550 915 257 1,172 1,722
Unknown 37 78 115 13 69 82 197
Total 194,643 192,822 387,465 447,078 152,425 599,503 986,968

Source: Central Informatics Organisation (CIO) – Bahrain


1. Technical Notes and Definitions

Reference period for Census 2010 is April 27th, 2010 .
Population of reference: all individuals (nationals and non-nationals) present within Bahrain’s borders during time of reference, be they permanent or temporary residents.
Nationality is the person’s passport country. A Non-Bahrainis is considered as such depending on the passport used to enter the country (or obtain the visa).

Illiterate refers to a person who cannot read or write a brief, simple sentence about his/her daily life in any language.
Read Only refers to a person who can read only but cannot write, such as those persons who have learned to read the Quran.
Read and Write refers to a person who is 10 years or older and passed one of the classes within primary education, but has not obtained any certificate of any formal education. This is a person who has can write and read simple sentences about his/her daily life in any language. This includes a blind person who can read and write using Braille.
Primary education accepts children who are six years old and above, and comprises of six grades (1-6 grade). It also includes adults who are enrolled in literacy classes.
Preparatory education accepts students who have completed and passed primary education, and comprises of three grades (7-9 grades). It also includes adults who are enrolled in advanced fellow-up education.
Secondary education accepts students who have completed and passed primary education, and comprises of three grades (10-12 grades). It also includes adults who are enrolled in advanced strengthening classes.
Above Secondary/Diploma education accepts students who have completed and passed secondary education, and comprises of one or two additional years. The student obtains a post-Secondary diploma that is officially certified.
B.Sc. or B.A. education accepts students who have completed and passed secondary or above secondary/diploma education.
High Diploma education accepts students who have completed and passed Bachelor’s degree, and could be one or two years. The student obtains an officially certified diploma.
Master’s education accepts students who have completed a Bachelor’s or high diploma degrees, and could comprise of one or more years. The student obtains upon graduation a Master’s degree.
Doctorate education accepts students who have obtained a Bachelor’s degree with experience, or Master’s degree or High Diploma, and comprises of two or more years. The student obtains a doctorate upon completion.
Not Stated or Unknown refers to a case where the interviewer does not know or is not certain of the highest level of education of the interviewee.

2. Institution which provides data

Central Informatics Organization, known prior to 2001 as the “Central Statistics Organisation” under the Ministry of Cabinet Affairs

3. Data availability

This data is available on the Central Informatics Organisation (CIO) website. For the Arabic version: ( For the English version: (
For the 2010 census data: (
This 2010 census data is available in a table in PDF format: (
The definitions for the 2010′ census can be found in Arabic: (

Data of access: June 2014

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