Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

An international independent, non-partisan, non-profit programme hosted and supported by the Gulf Research Center. The programme provides data, analyses, and recommendations contributing to the improvement of understanding and management of Gulf labour migration, population, and labour markets, engaging with and respecting the viewpoints of all stakeholders.
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Population (15+ years old) by nationality (Bahraini/ non-Bahraini), sex and highest education level (1991)

Bahraini Non-Bahraini Total
males females total males females total
Illiterate / Read Only 12,707 27,438 40,145 11,491 3,666 15,157 55,302
Read & Write 10,815 9,975 20,790 27,677 7,495 35,172 55,962
Primary 15,003 10,547 25,550 19,968 3,719 23,687 49,237
Preparatory 18,697 15,515 34,212 14,148 4,484 18,632 52,844
Above Preparatory 1,996 1,370 3,366 4,777 1,359 6,136 9,502
Secondary 26,124 22,330 48,454 21,207 8,923 30,130 78,584
Above Secondary / Diploma 3,627 3,275 6,902 4,856 3,763 8,619 15,521
B.Sc./ B.A. 4,669 3,735 8,404 8,020 4,852 12,872 21,276
High Diploma 1,148 802 1,950 1,725 765 2,490 4,440
Master’s Degree 641 189 830 1,215 499 1,714 2,544
Doctorate Degree 224 55 279 353 82 435 714
Not Stated 115 223 338 577 344 921 1,259
Total 95,766 95,454 191,220 116,014 39,951 155,965 347,185

Source: Central Informatics Organisation (CIO) – Bahrain


1. Technical Notes and Definitions

Reference period for Census 1991 is unknown
Population of reference: all individuals (nationals and non-nationals) present within Bahrain’s borders during time of reference, be they permanent or temporary residents.
Nationality is the person’s passport country. A Non-Bahrainis is considered as such depending on the passport used to enter the country (or obtain the visa).
Primary education comprises a total of six grades (1-6) and is generally the beginning of systematic apprenticeship of reading, writing mathematics and other subjects
Preparatory education comprises a total of three grades (7-9)
Secondary education comprises of the last three grades of the schooling system (10-12) prior to graduation

2. Institution which provides data

Central Informatics Organization, known prior to 2001 as the “Central Statistics Organisation” under the Ministry of Cabinet Affairs

3. Data availability

This data is available on the Central Informatics Organisation (CIO) website. For the Arabic version: ( For the English version: (
For the 1991 census data: (

Data of access: June 2014



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