Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

An international independent, non-partisan, non-profit programme hosted and supported by the Gulf Research Center. The programme provides data, analyses, and recommendations contributing to the improvement of understanding and management of Gulf labour migration, population, and labour markets, engaging with and respecting the viewpoints of all stakeholders.

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  • National and non-national populations aged 15 and above by sex, and sex ratios in GCC countries (national statistics, latest year or period available)

National and non-national populations aged 15 and above by sex, and sex ratios in GCC countries (national statistics, latest year or period available)

    Nationals Non-nationals Total population
Country date/ period  sex numbers men per 100 women numbers men per 100 women numbers men per 100 women
Bahrain (1) April 2010 males 194.643 101 447.078 293 641.721 186
  females 192.822 152.425 345.247
Kuwait (2) December 2013 males 610.545 97 1.772.413 187 2.382.958 151
  females 631.954 950.232 1.582.186
Oman(3) mid-2013 males 720.955 102 1.354.994 569 2.075.949 220
  females 705.865 238.153 944.018
Qatar (4) Q4 2013 males 89.995 99 1.314.251 493 1.404.246 393
  females 90.616 266.805 357.421
Saudi Arabia (5) January 2013 males 6.569.143 102 5.713.631 287 12.282.774 145
  females 6.469.156 1.988.687 8.457.843
United Arab Emirates* (6) mid-2010 males 293.981 100 5.076.366 420 5.370.347 357
  females 293.571 1.209.178 1.502.749
GCC Total** males 8.479.262 101 15.678.733 326 24.157.995 183
  females 8.383.984 4.805.480 13.189.464

Sources: national institutes of statistics, latest year available as of November 2013.

* our estimates.


** Total provides the sum of population numbers at different dates between April 2010 and end of 2013. It is not exactly the total population at any of these dates.


1- Definition:

Non-nationals are:

1- persons bearing nationality of a foreign State other than the GCC State of residence, or bearing no proof of nationality from any given state (stateless persons and holders of refugee status and travel document in a third country) ;

2- Holders of residence permit residing in the given GCC country at date of census, as per definition of residence used in each of the countries.


2- Sources of data:

(1) Bahrain Central Informatics Organisation (CIO), Census 2010;

(2) Kuwait Public Authority for Civil Information (PACI);

(3) National Centre for Statistical Information (NCSI), Bulletin of Population Statistics n°3, 2013;

(4) Qatar Statistics Authority (QSA), Quarterly Labor Force Survey Q4 2013. Also available in GLMM database:

(5) Saudi Arabia Central Department for Statistics and Information (CDSI), Labour Force Survey 2013 (Round 1);

(6) UAE National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), our estimates from:


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