Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

An international independent, non-partisan, non-profit programme hosted and supported by the Gulf Research Center. The programme provides data, analyses, and recommendations contributing to the improvement of understanding and management of Gulf labour migration, population, and labour markets, engaging with and respecting the viewpoints of all stakeholders.
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Kuwait: Population by nationality (Kuwaiti/ non-Kuwaiti), sex and age group (2022)

  Kuwaitis Non- Kuwaitis Total
  Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females Total
Less than 1 year 16,911 15,860 32,771 8,928 8,483 17,411 25,839 24,343 50,182
1-4 62,966 61,810 124,776 47,627 47,086 94,713 110,593 108,896 219,489
5-9 87,292 82,393 169,685 75,842 71,866 147,708 163,134 154,259 317,393
10-14 88,104 83,914 172,018 74,787 70,185 144,972 162,891 154,099 316,990
15-19 76,609 75,089 151,698 55,679 52,907 108,586 132,288 127,996 260,284
20-24 66,815 65,104 131,919 62,238 44,489 106,727 129,053 109,593 238,646
25-29 66,647 64,461 131,108 239,562 86,968 326,530 306,209 151,429 457,638
30-34 48,975 52,607 101,582 288,214 125,939 414,153 337,189 178,546 515,735
35-39 52,231 56,948 109,179 363,465 164,133 527,598 415,696 221,081 636,777
40-44 42,233 45,508 87,741 334,328 140,911 475,239 376,561 186,419 562,980
45-49 34,203 39,923 74,126 245,893 111,643 357,536 280,096 151,566 431,662
50-54 29,381 34,453 63,834 181,928 75,451 257,379 211,309 109,904 321,213
55-59 24,419 29,126 53,545 114,223 43,782 158,005 138,642 72,908 211,550
60-64 17,572 22,913 40,485 54,780 22,135 76,915 72,352 45,048 117,400
65-69 12,779 17,485 30,264 24,294 10,517 34,811 37,073 28,002 65,075
70-74 7,492 11,399 18,891 9,966 5,345 15,311 17,458 16,744 34,202
75-79 4,791 7,473 12,264 4,196 3,095 7,291 8,987 10,568 19,555
80+ 4,818 6,372 11,190 2,869 2,738 5,607 7,687 9,110 16,797
Total 744,238 772,838 1,517,076 2,188,819 1,087,673 3,276,492 2,933,057 1,860,511 4,793,568

Source: Central Statistics Bureau (CSB)                 


ANNEXED NOTE                               


  1. Characteristics of data and definitions


Date of reference: December 2022.


Estimates based on census 2021 as a base year.

The Kuwaiti population for following years is estimated using natural increase figures (births – deaths) and number of naturalised non-nationals during the year.

The non-Kuwaiti population is estimated based on natural increase figures (births – deaths) and net migration (entries – exits).

Source of the births and deaths data (vital statistics records): The Public Authority for Civil Information (PACI).                          

Source of data on arrivals and departures: Ministry of Interior.


  1. Institution which provides data


The Central Statistical Bureau (CSB)


  1. Data availability


CSB website, “Population Estimates” section; “Population Estimates in Kuwait by Age, Nationality and Sex at 1-1-2023”


Last date of access: 15 September 2023.


GLMM and GRC cannot guarantee that the link to access the source will not change; that the information will not be removed from the website it was obtained from; that no geo-blockages will be imposed; or that the information will not be available for any another reason.


Keywords: Kuwait, National Population, Foreign Population

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