Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

An international independent, non-partisan, non-profit programme hosted and supported by the Gulf Research Center. The programme provides data, analyses, and recommendations contributing to the improvement of understanding and management of Gulf labour migration, population, and labour markets, engaging with and respecting the viewpoints of all stakeholders.
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Kuwait: Population aged 15 and above out of the labour force, by nationality (Kuwaiti/non-Kuwaiti), sex and marital status (census 2021)


Source: Central Statistics Bureau (CSB)/The Public Authority for Civil Information (PACI)




  1. Characteristics of data and definitions


The 2021 Kuwait census is the eleventh census conducted in the country, and the first to be based on administrative records.

The Ministry of State for Communications and Information Technology has implemented the records-based population, establishments and building census through cooperation with the Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) and the Public Authority for Civil Information (PACI).

The census data was selected from the recommended data basket guide for the Unified Population and Housing Register-based Census 2020 for the countries of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf issued by the Gulf Statistics Center for the year 2019, and from the data basket of the general census of the State of Kuwait 2011.


Individuals outside the workforce: Individuals aged 15 and over who do not work and do not seek employment during the census reference period. This includes:

  1. Full-time Students: (an individual aged 15 and over) who is studying regularly for the purpose of obtaining a scientific qualification and is not associated with earning work during the period of time attribution, bearing in mind that female domestic chores are not included in the work for the purpose of earning.
  2. 2. Full-time homemaker: a female (aged 15 and over) who is not employed or working and is not studying regularly and engages in housework for her family or supervises over housemaids working.

This definition does not apply to domestic workers who work in the homes of others and serve them in exchange for cash or interest wages.

  1. Has an Income:An individual (aged 15 and over) who is capable of working but is not associated with any work during the period of time assignment and does not look for it seriously, and studies irregularly to obtain a scientific qualification. As for females; not working full-time in their homes (or supervising over housemaids’ work).

He/she is an individual who lives from the revenue of his/ her property or real estate, from the interest of shares and bonds owned, or accessed by cash transfers of gifts or sufficient assistance regardless of their sources, whether governmental or private.

  1. Retired:This individual has retired for any reason and is not linked to any work. An individual (15 years and older) who has been referred to retirement or a retirement application until the date of the time assignment.

Other pensions and receipt of a pension – individuals outside manpower: individuals under 15 years of age, individuals 65 years of age and over who are not employed and totally unable to work during the census reference period.

  1. Unable to Work:An individual (aged 15 and over) who is unable to work due to a disability or illness that has put him\her out of work and is unable to work even if he\she wishes to.
  2. 65 Years of Age and over and Not Working:an individual who is 65 years of age and over and does not work.


Definitions and concepts used:


  1. Institution which provides data


The Central Statistical Bureau (CSB)


  1. Data availability


Kuwait Census 2021 page (Population, Housing and Establishments census):


Population census:


Last date of access: 25 September 2023.


GLMM and GRC cannot guarantee that the link to access the source will not change; that the information will not be removed from the website it was obtained from; that no geo-blockages will be imposed; or that the information will not be available for any another reason.


Keywords: Kuwait, Education, Living Conditions, Foreign Population, National Population


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