Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

An international independent, non-partisan, non-profit programme hosted and supported by the Gulf Research Center. The programme provides data, analyses, and recommendations contributing to the improvement of understanding and management of Gulf labour migration, population, and labour markets, engaging with and respecting the viewpoints of all stakeholders.
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Kuwait: Population aged 15 and above by nationality (Kuwaiti/ non-Kuwaiti), sex and activity status (relation to labour force) (December 2018)

Kuwaitis non-Kuwaitis Total
Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females Total
In the labour force 218,234 207,090 425,324 1,920,306 477,757 2,398,063 2,138,540 684,847 2,823,387
Out of the labour force 183,615 229,730 413,345 83,027 238,692 321,719 266,642 468,422 735,064
N.A. 35,162 39,321 74,483 45,911 54,517 100,428 81,073 93,838 174,911
Total 437,011 476,141 913,152 2,049,244 770,966 2,820,210 2,486,255 1,247,107 3,733,362

Source: PACI


1. Characteristics of data and definitions

The source of data used here is the Public Authority for Civil Information (PACI), an independant government body in charge of :
1- centralising all population and labour force data in order to manage a fully computerised population register
2- issuing mandatory civil identification cards to every resident of the country, regardless of age and nationality.

(a) Kuwaiti: the Kuwaiti nationality rests upon a document of Kuwaiti nationality or a certificate proving Kuwaiti nationality issued by the Ministry of Interior of Kuwait.

(b) Non-Kuwaiti: his/ her nationality is determined by the name of the State which issued the passport. The foreign national also entered Kuwait legally and has a stamp of residence.
This category includes the Bidoon, a category of stateless persons living in the Emirate.

(c) Nationality group: collected according to the nationality of the head of the household.
Nationalities are grouped according to specific features common to certain population subgroups: language,  geographic origin, etc.
or according to internationally recognized categories such as: (Arab / non-Arab Asian countries / non-Arab African countries; European countries … etc.).

(d) Population in the labour force: population aged 15 years and over, either employed in the government, private or domestic sector, working as a street vendor, or unemployed.
(e) Population out of the labour force:  population aged 15 years and above, not active on the labour market (includes the students, the housewives or alike, or retired persons having income).

2. Institution which provides data 

The Public Authority for Civil Information (PACI)

3. Period of data coverage: 31 December

The database is updated three times a year and the website presents only the most recent data.

4. Data availability 

Data can be downloaded from the “statistics” section of PACI’s website ( (English); (Arabic))
section “Statistical reports”
Analytical tables and data crosstabulations are available for download in PDF, html, .png and Excel (.csv) formats.
A selection of tables is available in the sections “General Stats” ( and “Analytic Statistics”

Date of access: January 2019.

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