Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

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Kuwait: Population aged 10 and above by nationality (Kuwaiti/ non-Kuwaiti), sex, age group and highest education level reached (December 2014)

Illiterate Reads and writes Elementary Intermediate High school diploma Diploma University degree Postgraduate NA Total
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
10-14 1 1 25 22 35,349 36,003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35,798 32,962 71,173 68,988
15-19 6 7 1 11 19,187 14,542 42,220 42,546 1,585 4,132 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,423 3,240 67,422 64,478
20-24 7 6 4 15 14,217 7,520 22,652 19,541 16,392 23,414 1,635 2,247 1,297 2,649 3 2 3,756 2,735 59,963 58,129
25-29 2 8 6 91 4,883 2,588 15,113 7,157 18,347 20,555 6,152 9,944 5,381 9,923 39 40 2,414 2,596 52,337 52,902
30-34 1 12 14 133 3,740 2,073 12,039 6,846 14,929 12,935 6,173 10,476 5,052 11,573 164 197 1,981 2,424 44,093 46,669
35-39 0 10 27 56 4,181 2,445 10,112 7,696 10,826 8,390 4,860 6,219 4,836 13,066 196 142 1,729 2,753 36,767 40,777
40-44 1 17 31 30 4,362 2,447 10,030 9,350 7,178 6,240 3,889 4,657 4,390 10,096 247 125 1,765 3,299 31,893 36,261
45-49 3 48 6 22 1,914 2,390 9,037 8,441 7,324 5,576 3,658 3,854 3,789 7,674 315 115 1,554 3,850 27,600 31,970
50-54 35 774 86 365 1,513 2,144 5,615 5,556 5,017 4,058 3,574 4,340 4,536 5,520 403 136 1,018 3,024 21,797 25,917
55-59 125 3,653 306 1,353 1,254 1,909 3,823 4,114 2,688 2,264 2,847 3,500 3,431 3,605 665 218 478 405 15,617 21,021
60-64 128 4,309 433 1,360 1,240 1,629 2,613 2,723 1,660 1,213 1,955 2,238 2,156 1,558 596 190 486 344 11,267 15,564
>64 2,342 14,318 3,612 3,596 3,243 2,200 3,454 2,377 1,629 893 1,571 1,065 2,067 958 725 186 1,252 676 19,895 26,269
Total 2,651 23,163 4,551 7,054 95,083 77,890 136,708 116,347 87,575 89,670 36,314 48,540 36,935 66,622 3,353 1,351 56,654 58,308 459,824 488,945
Illiterate Reads and writes Elementary Intermediate High school diploma Diploma University degree Postgraduate NA Total
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
10-14 232 220 7,002 6,022 17,799 16,433 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28,342 26,787 53,375 49,462
15-19 100 116 3,020 3,120 13,828 12,271 18,016 17,507 848 1,169 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,956 7,228 44,768 41,411
20-24 1,833 1,414 39,388 18,683 10,962 8,020 33,120 19,757 8,748 7,528 1,611 733 1,259 1,416 9 5 5,009 2,386 101,939 59,942
25-29 6,427 5,122 119,811 63,420 10,689 7,296 80,282 38,108 25,347 16,624 5,629 2,932 10,411 8,755 86 94 9,091 3,611 267,773 145,962
30-34 8,055 4,766 117,831 58,976 10,847 6,462 82,239 33,474 31,080 18,790 6,882 3,424 13,635 10,231 544 303 41,030 8,028 312,143 144,454
35-39 7,166 4,737 95,410 49,052 12,157 6,751 65,906 28,979 25,860 13,334 6,395 2,887 11,600 7,388 653 271 60,408 11,608 285,555 125,007
40-44 9,424 5,039 75,066 35,094 11,006 4,600 53,172 21,526 23,947 10,534 5,676 2,381 9,515 5,357 534 198 37,566 9,802 225,906 94,531
45-49 11,330 5,445 53,630 23,711 11,313 3,283 38,134 14,168 21,842 8,681 5,210 2,068 9,121 4,014 426 132 23,261 6,910 174,267 68,412
50-54 9,758 4,424 30,171 10,902 9,602 1,998 21,737 6,558 14,781 6,224 3,465 1,574 8,580 3,378 471 138 11,638 3,934 110,203 39,130
55-59 6,159 3,159 16,805 4,673 6,938 1,211 12,866 3,011 10,696 3,605 2,473 1,253 6,669 2,425 497 134 5,835 1,697 68,938 21,168
60-64 3,345 2,276 7,023 2,120 3,488 733 5,155 1,472 5,230 1,934 1,544 830 5,081 1,511 449 89 2,356 687 33,671 11,652
>64 3,239 4,489 4,098 2,057 2,418 744 2,826 1,355 2,878 1,415 947 528 3,930 813 716 97 1,717 929 22,769 12,427
Total 67,068 41,207 569,255 277,830 121,047 69,802 413,453 185,915 171,257 89,838 39,832 18,610 79,801 45,288 4,385 1,461 235,209 83,607 1,701,307 813,558

Source: PACI


1. Characteristics of data and definitions

The source of data used here is the Public Authority for Civil Information (PACI), an independant government body in charge of :
1- centralising all population and labour force data in order to manage a fully computerised population register
2- issuing mandatory civil identification cards to every resident of the country, regardless of age and nationality.

The other source of demographic and socioeconomic data on Kuwait is the Central Statistical Office (CSO), operating within the Planning Ministry. The CSO has conducted ten population and housing censuses since its inception in 1957.

(a) Kuwaiti: the Kuwaiti nationality rests upon a document of Kuwaiti nationality or a certificate proving Kuwaiti nationality issued by the Ministry of Interior of Kuwait.

(b) Non-Kuwaiti: his/ her nationality is determined by the name of the State which issued the passport. The foreign national also entered Kuwait legally and has a stamp of residence.
This category includes the Bidoon, a category of stateless persons living in the Emirate. Kuwait’s Bidoon population originates from three broad categories:
1) those whose ancestors failed to apply for nationality or lacked necessary documentation at the time of Kuwait’s independence in 1961;
2) those recruited to work in Kuwait’s army or police force during the 1960s who permanently settled in Kuwait, along with their families;
3) children of Kuwaiti mothers and stateless or foreign fathers (see Human Rights Watch. Prisoners of the Past. Kuwaiti Bidun and the Burden of Statelessness, June 2011, p. 3).
(The children of Kuwaiti mothers and non-Kuwaiti fathers (with specific nationality) inherit the father’s nationality. They are stateless if the father is stateless).

(c) NA: education level is unclear or not reported.

2. Institution which provides data

The Public Authority for Civil Information (PACI)

3. Period of data coverage: December 2014

The database is updated three times a year and the website presents only the most recent data.

4. Data availability

Analytical tables and data crosstabulations are available for download in PDF, html, .png and Excel (.csv) formats.

Date of access: March 2015.

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