Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

An international independent, non-partisan, non-profit programme hosted and supported by the Gulf Research Center. The programme provides data, analyses, and recommendations contributing to the improvement of understanding and management of Gulf labour migration, population, and labour markets, engaging with and respecting the viewpoints of all stakeholders.

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Kuwait: Employed population by nationality (Kuwaiti/ non-Kuwaiti), sex and occupation group (census 2021)

  Kuwaitis Non-Kuwaitis Total
  Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females Total
 Legislators, Senior officials and Managers 66,359 19,330 85,689 90,957 10,660 101,617 157,316 29,990 187,306
Professionals 44,208 87,448 131,656 90,255 34,216 124,471 134,463 121,664 256,127
Technicians and Associate Professionals 60,300 55,099 115,399 284,028 50,768 334,796 344,328 105,867 450,195
Clerical Support Workers 29,119 47,783 76,902 60,559 17,919 78,478 89,678 65,702 155,380
Service and Sales Workers 3,973 4,651 8,624 221,830 40,432 262,262 225,803 45,083 270,886
Skilled Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery Workers 195 1 196 14,027 1 14,028 14,222 2 14,224
Craft and Related Trades Workers 4,930 3,764 8,694 142,237 3,570 145,807 147,167 7,334 154,501
Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers 3,026 505 3,531 417,056 535 417,591 420,082 1,040 421,122
Elementary Occupations 20 20 40 268,878 331,904 600,782 268,898 331,924 600,822
Not Stated 7,656 6,387 14,043 16,671 4,822 21,493 24,327 11,209 35,536
Total 219,786 224,988 444,774 1,606,498 494,827 2,101,325 1,826,284 719,815 2,546,099

Source: Central Statistics Bureau (CSB)/The Public Authority for Civil Information (PACI)                                                                                            


ANNEXED NOTE                                                                                               


  1. Characteristics of data and definitions


The 2021 Kuwait census is the eleventh census conducted in the country, and the first to be based on administrative records. The Ministry of State for Communications and Information Technology has implemented the records-based population, establishments and building census through cooperation with the Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) and the Public Authority for Civil Information (PACI).

The census data was selected from the recommended data basket guide for the Unified Population and Housing Register-based Census 2020 for the countries of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf issued by the Gulf Statistics Center for the year 2019, and from the data basket of the general census of the State of Kuwait 2011.


Definition of employment:

Individuals aged 15 and over and are engaged in any economic activity during the census reference period, including:

  1. Employer: An employed individual (aged 15 and over) who works in or owns part of an enterprise and under the supervision of at least one employee with a monetary wage (shareholders in shareholding companies are not considered employers even if they are employed).
  2. Self-Employed: An employed individual (aged 15 years and over) who works in or owns a part of an enterprise and not a monetary-paid employee, including street vendors who do not do business for others.

iii. Paid Worker: Employed person (aged 15 and over) who works for another individual or for his\her enterprise under his\her supervision and receives for his\her employment a lump-sum monetary wage (for the hour, day, week, month or year) this monetary remuneration may be calculated on the basis of production and may be in the form of commission, brokerage or any other way. Workers working in the ministries of the State and its various entities, as well as those working on monetary remuneration in the participating companies, are considered to be in this category.

  1. Unpaid Worker: An employed individual (aged 15 and over) who works for another relative, has no connection or works in an enterprise, is not paid for his\her work and does not have a lump-sum share of profits. Under this definition, individuals who learn a particular trade even if they are paid a lump sum in cash.


Definitions and concepts used:


Classification of occupations used: ISCO-08

  1. Institution which provides data


The Central Statistical Bureau (CSB)


  1. Data availability


Kuwait Census 2021 page (Population, Housing and Establishments census):


Population census:


Last date of access: 15 September 2023.


GLMM and GRC cannot guarantee that the link to access the source will not change; that the information will not be removed from the website it was obtained from; that no geo-blockages will be imposed; or that the information will not be available for any another reason.                                                                                             

Keywords: Kuwait, Labour Market, Employment, Foreign Labour, National Labour, Female Employment

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