GCC: Population by nationality (national/non-national) and five-years age group (mid-2022)
Bahrain |
Kuwait* |
Oman* |
Qatar |
Saudi Arabia |
Nationals |
Non-nationals |
Nationals |
Non-nationals |
Nationals |
Non-nationals |
Nationals |
Non-nationals |
Nationals |
Non-nationals |
Nationals |
Non-nationals |
0-4 |
65,093 |
29,936 |
157,547 |
112,124 |
380,154 |
52,093 |
125,565** |
367,329** |
2,173,955 |
404,204 |
N.A. |
N.A. |
5-9 |
74,975 |
29,868 |
169,685 |
147,708 |
404,758 |
58,001 |
2,257,680 |
504,637 |
N.A. |
N.A. |
10-14 |
71,200 |
23,793 |
172,018 |
144,972 |
315,847 |
47,821 |
2,100,003 |
446,411 |
N.A. |
N.A. |
15-19 |
64,981 |
17,401 |
151,698 |
108,586 |
235,360 |
35,605 |
29,287 |
63,200 |
1,858,245 |
338,455 |
N.A. |
N.A. |
20-24 |
57,811 |
46,808 |
131,919 |
106,727 |
216,834 |
156,036 |
33,177 |
205,971 |
1,719,492 |
896,490 |
N.A. |
N.A. |
25-29 |
58,138 |
89,287 |
131,108 |
326,530 |
232,951 |
309,959 |
28,864 |
272,310 |
1,702,262 |
2,043,453 |
N.A. |
N.A. |
30-34 |
55,082 |
146,641 |
101,582 |
414,153 |
243,388 |
395,413 |
24,956 |
546,644 |
1,529,157 |
2,363,675 |
N.A. |
N.A. |
35-39 |
49,120 |
150,077 |
109,179 |
527,598 |
225,735 |
376,383 |
23,273 |
377,912 |
1,354,051 |
2,110,905 |
N.A. |
N.A. |
40-44 |
44,122 |
108,247 |
87,741 |
475,239 |
177,060 |
265,098 |
13,918 |
336,756 |
1,077,993 |
1,575,884 |
N.A. |
N.A. |
45-49 |
37,203 |
73,949 |
74,126 |
357,536 |
123,732 |
162,813 |
18,412 |
157,728 |
785,913 |
1,039,267 |
N.A. |
N.A. |
50-54 |
32,108 |
48,363 |
63,834 |
257,379 |
81,588 |
103,891 |
12,880 |
143,634 |
653,994 |
734,378 |
N.A. |
N.A. |
55-59 |
32,450 |
25,995 |
53,545 |
158,005 |
63,740 |
55,424 |
13,396 |
59,089 |
529,004 |
466,215 |
N.A. |
N.A. |
60-64 |
27,566 |
12,555 |
40,485 |
76,915 |
55,665 |
26,346 |
11,347 |
32,649 |
390,642 |
257,010 |
N.A. |
N.A. |
65-69 |
19,517 |
4,762 |
30,264 |
34,811 |
39,879 |
12,536 |
6,445 |
10,651 |
257,136 |
111,323 |
N.A. |
N.A. |
70-74 |
11,675 |
1,607 |
18,891 |
15,311 |
28,460 |
4,868 |
3,394 |
5,642 |
155,576 |
49,767 |
N.A. |
N.A. |
75-79 |
6,092 |
681 |
12,264 |
7,291 |
18,887 |
2,214 |
3,925 |
3,887 |
110,571 |
20,921 |
N.A. |
N.A. |
80-84 |
4,064 |
361 |
11,190 |
5,607 |
23,573 |
1,738 |
136,588 |
19,967 |
N.A. |
N.A. |
85+ |
2,814 |
351 |
N.A. |
N.A. |
Total |
714,011 |
810,682 |
1,517,076 |
3,276,492 |
2,867,611 |
2,066,239 |
348,839 |
2,583,402 |
18,792,262 |
13,382,962 |
N.A. |
N.A. |
Source: National institutes of statistics
1- Definition:
Non-nationals are:
1- persons bearing nationality of a foreign State other than the GCC State of residence, or bearing no proof of nationality from any given state (stateless persons and holders of refugee status and travel document in a third country);
2- Holders of residence permit residing in the given GCC country at date of census, as per definition of residence used in each of the countries.
N.A: Not Available
*: end of year data.
**: GLMM estimates, based on available data from Qatari official statistical sources.
2- Sources of data:
(1) Bahrain: mid-year estimates of Bahrain’s total resident population (nationals and non-nationals) by age group, based on the results of census 2020.
Source: administrative records (central Population Register)
IGA’s Bahrain Open Data Portal:
(2) Kuwait: Estimates based on census 2021 as a base year.
The Kuwaiti population for following years is estimated using natural increase figures (births – deaths) and number of naturalised non-nationals during the year. The non-Kuwaiti population is estimated based on natural increase figures (births – deaths) and net migration (entries – exits).
Source of the births and deaths data (vital statistics records): The Public Authority for Civil Information (PACI).
Source of data on arrivals and departures: Ministry of Interior.
CSB website, “Population Estimates” section, “Population Estimates in Kuwait by Age, Nationality and Sex at 1-1-2023” https://www.csb.gov.kw/Pages/Statistics_en?ID=67&ParentCatID=1
(3) Oman: Period of reference: 31/12.
Source of the data: data updated from e-census 2020; based on vital statistics (births and deaths) produced by the Ministry of Health (MOH), and National Registration System (Royal Oman Police).
The civil registration records all Omani and expatriate residents. It is based on the civil status system and is maintained by the General Directorate of Civil Status, a part of the Royal Oman Police.
Since 2004, registration of all vital events taking place in the Sultanate (births, death, marriages and divorces) in the civil register is mandatory for Omanis and foreign residents of the Sultanate.
E-census 2020:
Population data and statistics: methodology explained in publication “Electronic Census System for the E-Census for Population, Residences & Establishments 2020”, especially pp. 15-16; 19-20 https://portal.ecensus.gov.om/ecen-portal/indicators/83/viewer
Portal of e-census 2020 and data updates for December 2021 and 2022:
https://portal.ecensus.gov.om/ecen-portal /
Data retrieved from e-census portal, datasets building tool:
(4) Qatar: Disaggregated figures of the total Qatari and non-Qatari populations in Qatar are not readily available in any published source.
The numbers of Qataris and non-Qataris in age group 0-14 are GLMM’s estimates, using:
a. The Annual Bulletin of the Labour Force Survey 2022
which gives:
1. the numbers of Qataris and non-Qataris aged 15 and above by sex and five-years age group for 2022.
2. The total resident population in Qatar by sex (not disaggregated by nationality).
b. Qatar Planning and Statistics Authority. Woman and Man in the State of Qatar-A Statistical Profile, 2022,
which gives:
the percentage distribution of population by broad age group (0-14; 15-64; 65+) for mid-2021, by sex and nationality (last available data on total national and foreign populations’ age structure, as of April 2024).
The two sources were used to estimate the total population by sex and nationality, and the numbers of Qataris and non-Qataris in age group 0-14.
(5) Saudi Arabia: Source of data: Saudi census 2022
The 2022 census used a combined methodology – administrative records, fieldwork and digital self-enumeration.
Population data for 2010-22 were revised and backcasted, based on 2022 population census and past years’ administrative data.
Technical note on backcasting:
The table was retrieved from the Saudi census portal on GAStat website:
“Population” section, then “data tables”-
Selected, pre-set tables can be downloaded from the thematic section.
(6) UAE: Figures of UAE population disaggregated by age group and nationality are unavailable in published sources, as of April 2024.
Data needed to indirectly estimate the UAE population by nationality are also unavailable for 2022.
For estimates relevant to earlier years, please visit GLMM’s database:
Last date of access: April 2024.
GLMM and GRC cannot guarantee that the link to access the source will not change; that the information will not be removed from the website it was obtained from; that no geo-blockages will be imposed; or that the information will not be available for any another reason.
Keywords: Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Foreign & National Populations
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- GCC: National populations by sex and five-years age group (mid-2022)
- GCC: Non-national populations by sex and five-years age group (mid-2022)
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Tags: Bahrain, Foreign and National Populations, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates