Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

An international independent, non-partisan, non-profit programme hosted and supported by the Gulf Research Center. The programme provides data, analyses, and recommendations contributing to the improvement of understanding and management of Gulf labour migration, population, and labour markets, engaging with and respecting the viewpoints of all stakeholders.
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GCC: National and foreign populations by five-year age group (2015)

Bahrain Saudi Arabia Oman Kuwait Qatar
Nationals Non-nationals Total Nationals Non-nationals Total Nationals Non-nationals Total Nationals Non-nationals Total Nationals Non-nationals Total
0-4 74,814 31,256 106,070 2,095,791 513,799 2,609,590 348,419 33,238 381,657 168,206 164,181 332,387 116,225 240,649 356,874
5-9 69,442 25,891 95,333 2,048,461 651,730 2,700,191 272,309 31,760 304,069 141,918 138,774 280,692
10-14 63,914 19,940 83,854 1,833,119 534,104 2,367,223 216,927 25,961 242,888 130,171 109,464 239,635
15-19 60,583 14,495 75,078 1,726,919 434,773 2,161,692 218,031 18,112 236,143 126,960 96,042 223,002 28,403 49,664 78,067
20-24 58,661 44,325 102,986 1,948,182 463,696 2,411,878 248,966 126,128 375,094 115,170 86,200 201,370 29,039 218,436 247,475
25-29 54,470 124,945 179,415 1,868,085 1,078,080 2,946,165 242,370 459,646 702,016 100,446 243,275 343,721 25,894 334,556 360,450
30-34 48,355 139,062 187,417 1,686,036 1,285,625 2,971,661 208,730 387,500 596,230 83,061 416,018 499,079 20,156 402,011 422,167
35-39 42,845 107,120 149,965 1,473,331 1,815,632 3,288,963 158,133 265,129 423,262 72,212 438,486 510,698 16,677 334,568 351,245
40-44 34,806 81,550 116,356 1,239,113 1,698,062 2,937,175 102,455 184,862 287,317 69,450 403,490 472,940 15,169 248,987 264,156
45-49 33,856 58,770 92,626 1,032,421 1,156,666 2,189,087 72,238 127,513 199,751 58,085 266,867 324,952 13,781 193,096 206,877
50-54 32,837 36,526 69,363 823,032 711,552 1,534,584 62,805 76,330 139,135 48,226 174,348 222,574 12,280 105,079 117,359
55-59 27,133 23,457 50,590 632,736 431,182 1,063,918 53,549 52,655 106,204 36,940 108,054 144,994 11,117 81,713 92,830
60-64 18,324 9,359 27,683 462,521 241,861 704,382 39,153 17,846 56,999 27,031 57,620 84,651 6,537 29,194 35,731
65-69 10,774 2,829 13,603 299,208 95,756 394,964 31,693 4,900 36,593 18,180 25,212 43,392 5,664 15,967 21,631
70-74 7,093 1,158 8,251 214,829 48,914 263,743 26,037 1,429 27,466 12,411 10,400 22,811 2,355 2,807 5,162
75-79 5,168 665 5,833 138,434 18,986 157,420 19,394 639 20,033 7,934 5,252 13,186 3,339 1,219 4,558
80+ 4,760 1,139 5,899 170,421 17,679 188,100 23,737 508 24,245 6,436 4,511 10,947
  647,835 722,487 1,370,322 19,692,639 11,198,097 30,890,736 2,344,946 1,814,156 4,159,102 1,222,837 2,748,194 3,971,031 306,636 2,257,946 2,564,582

Sources: national statistics institutes.

Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman and Saudi Arabia: mid-year population estimates, national statistics and administrative records, retrieved from GCC Stat center (

Qatar: Population aged 15 and above, by five-year age-group: 2015 Labour Force Survey (yearly synthesis: end of year population)

Population aged 0-14 by nationality (national/ non-national) and sex: GLMM author’s estimate, based on the percentage distribution of population by broad age groups,
sex and nationality for 2015, available in 2016 issue of report Women and Men in the State of Qatar- A Statistical Profile, published by the MDPS (tab. 1/3, p. 18).
UAE: No data available since 2010.

Last date of access: 20 December 2017.

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