Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

An international independent, non-partisan, non-profit programme hosted and supported by the Gulf Research Center. The programme provides data, analyses, and recommendations contributing to the improvement of understanding and management of Gulf labour migration, population, and labour markets, engaging with and respecting the viewpoints of all stakeholders.
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Employed population by nationality (Qatari/ non-Qatari), activity sector and sex (2010)

    Qataris     Non-Qataris     TOTAL  
Activity sector Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females Total
Household 55 5 60 48,237 84,164 132,401 48,292 84,169 132,461
38 46 84 1,696 352 2,048 1,734 398 2,132
Private 3,746 1,815 5,561 922,909 23,759 946,668 926,655 25,574 952,229
Mixed 3,033 975 4,008 34,316 5,115 39,431 37,349 6,090 43,439
Governement est./ company 6,559 2,845 9,404 25,765 7,682 33,447 32,324 10,527 42,851
Government 32,737 19,222 51,959 38,050 7,062 45,112 70,787 26,284 97,071
Total 46,168 24,908 71,076 1,070,973 128,134 1,199,107 1,117,141 153,042 1,270,183

Source: census 2010, QSA



1. Technical Notes and Definitions


Reference period for census 2010: the night of April 21st, 2010.

Implementation method: census is based on de jure method; i.e. registering people according to their usual place of residence at time of census.

Populations in transit or visiting Qatar as tourists, as well as residents of public housing or visitors staying in a household for less than two months after night of reference were excluded.

Populations away from usual residence in Qatar for reasons of duty, or on a visit abroad for less than two months, as well as individuals with no personal housing within Qatar staying with a household for more than two months, are counted in their usual/ present residence during census night.

Population of reference: all individuals (nationals and non-nationals) present within the State’s borders during time of reference, including in labour camps.



The employed population here also includes paid trainees.

Employed: The person (15 years or older) engaged in work or who works for profit, whether for his own account, for wages or for a family without being paid, during the week ending on 20/04/2010 provided that working hours should not be less than one hour during that week, and the sick, regular or other temporary leave should not be counted in the absence days.

Trainee getting a salary: The person (15 years or older) who joins any of the training institutes, whether morning or evening study, and gets a salary during the training period


Public/Governmental Establishment: Included are the establishments practicing a productive activity and the State owns its capital completely such as Qatar Oil, Central Bank of Qatar, etc.).

Mixed (Joint Sector): It is the sector that includes establishments that the government contributes in their capitals together with another entity, whether national or foreign.

Private: Included are the establishments owned by a person or group of persons, whether Qatari or Non-Qatari, natural or legal (excluded are the corporations contributed by the government).

Diplomatic / Regional: The establishments that practice a diplomatic or consulate activity for other countries such as the embassies, consulates, etc. as well as the establishments that follow regional and international organizations.

Non Profit institutions: Included are the establishments that do not aim at profit such as charity associations, etc.



2. Institution which provides data


Qatar Statistics Authority (QSA)

( for website in English; for website in Arabic)


3. Data availability


None of Qatar censuses or other sources have ever disclosed figures of total population broken down by country of citizenship or even by nationality (Qatari/non-Qatari).

For 2010 data have been collected but remain withheld. The census only provides detailed data on population 15 years and above by nationality.

Released parts of census are available on the website of the QSA, in published form in PDF format.

Census 2010′ website:

2010′ census in Excel or PDF format individual tables:


Date of access: June 2013.


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