Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

An international independent, non-partisan, non-profit programme hosted and supported by the Gulf Research Center. The programme provides data, analyses, and recommendations contributing to the improvement of understanding and management of Gulf labour migration, population, and labour markets, engaging with and respecting the viewpoints of all stakeholders.

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Employed population (aged 15 and above) by nationality (Saudi/ non-Saudi), sex and marital status (2012)

  Saudis     Non-Saudis     Total  
  males females total males females total males females total
Never married 808.827 135.272 944.099 744.453 100.018 844.471 1.553.280 235.290 1.788.570
Married 2.779.634 447.145 3.226.779 4.413.636 573.076 4.986.712 7.193.270 1.020.221 8.213.491
Divorced 32.931 25.117 58.048 17.809 13.762 31.571 50.740 38.879 89.619
Widower 10.751 12.046 22.797 10.707 11.209 21.916 21.458 23.255 44.713
Total 3.632.143 619.580 4.251.723 5.186.605 698.065 5.884.670 8.818.748 1.317.645 10.136.393

Source: Manpower Survey, 2012 (Round 1).





1. Technical Notes and Definitions


Sampling frame of LFS 2012 Round 1: Population Census 2010.

Sample size: 29 000 households

Reference period: January 25th-February 17th, 2012

Population of reference: all individuals (nationals and non-nationals) residing in the Kingdom during the period of reference.

The ultimate sampling unit is the household.


(a) Household and household members: A person or group of persons, related or not related, who share housing and food.

Servants, drivers and similar categories are considered to be part of the household if they live in the same housing unit.


(b) Employed person: A person aged 15 years and above who worked during the reference week for at least one hour for pay or profit, or who had a job but were temporarily absent from work.

Employment refers to people who during the reference period:

– worked for one hour or more for wage or salary, in cash or in kind

– worked for one hour or more for profit or family gain, in cash or in kind

– worked for at least 15 hours without pay on a family business or farm

– did volunteer work

Reference period for employment: The seven days preceding the interview date.


2. Institution which provides data


Central Department of Statistics and Information (CDSI), Ministry and Economy and Planning


3. Data availability


Surveys conducted since 1999 are available on the website of the CDSI (, in published form in PDF format. A selection of tables is also available in PDF or Excel format. (website English version) or (website Arabic version). The technical notes and tables of contents are in Arabic and the tables are in both languages.

Date of access: May 2013.


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