Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

An international independent, non-partisan, non-profit programme hosted and supported by the Gulf Research Center. The programme provides data, analyses, and recommendations contributing to the improvement of understanding and management of Gulf labour migration, population, and labour markets, engaging with and respecting the viewpoints of all stakeholders.
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Economically active population aged 15 and above by nationality (Qatari/ non-Qatari), sex and age group (2013)

Qatari Non-Qatari Total
Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females Total
15 – 19 2,080 527 2,607 8,962 932 9,894 11,042 1,459 12,501
20 – 24 9,381 3,829 13,210 142,542 16,327 158,869 151,923 20,156 172,079
25 – 29 11,230 6,826 18,056 247,379 36,764 284,143 258,609 43,590 302,199
30 – 34 9,760 7,217 16,977 285,171 38,344 323,515 294,931 45,561 340,492
35 – 39 7,211 5,095 12,306 196,013 28,864 224,877 203,224 33,959 237,183
40 – 44 8,178 3,336 11,514 148,823 18,483 167,306 157,001 21,819 178,820
45 – 49 5,359 2,114 7,473 113,788 14,261 128,049 119,147 16,375 135,522
50 – 54 4,940 1,045 5,985 68,726 6,343 75,069 73,666 7,388 81,054
55 – 59 2,070 215 2,285 53,422 2,367 55,789 55,492 2,582 58,074
60 – 64 671 52 723 15,590 484 16,074 16,261 536 16,797
65 + 32 0 32 4,576 0 4,576 4,608 0 4,608
Total 60,912 30,256 91,168 1,284,992 163,169 1,448,161 1,345,904 193,425 1,539,329

Source: QSA, Ministry of Development Planning and Statistics

1. Technical Notes and Definitions

The data is taken from 2013 Labour Force Survey (yearly synthesis)
Sampling frame of LFS 2013: Population Census 2010.
Sample size: 8,342 households and 55,771 individuals from: 1- Qatari households; 2- Non-Qatari regular (non-collective) households; 3- Non-Qatari small collective households (2 – 6 persons); 4- Non-Qatari large collective households (7 persons or more).
Data Collection: The sample was divided into equal parts to collect data monthly. Each month 1/3 of the quarterly data were collected during the first two weeks of the month.
Reference period for the labour force data: the week prior to data collection day.
Population of reference: all Qatari and non-Qatari households present in Qatar on the night of survey, living in normal and collective households.
The collective households are a group of persons not related to each other and sharing living conditions in a residential unit, I.e. labour camps, students living boarding schools, nurses in hospitals… etc. The survey covered the small collective households (includes less than 7 persons) and large collective households (includes 7 persons or more).
The survey did not cover short periods accommodation, i.e. hotels.

The data refers to the economically active population, i.e., the employed and the unemployed
1) Employed.
All persons aged 15 years an above, who during the week preceding the survey:
a) Perform a work for a wage, salary, profits or household gains, whether it was in cash or in kind.
b) Are temporarily not employed, however, they still have an official relation with their work
2) Unemployed.
All persons aged 15 years and over who were, during the week preceding the survey, without employment, willing to work and looking seriously for a job.
There is a distinction between two kinds of unemployed persons:
a) First time unemployed: They are the persons who never worked previously, and were during the week preceding the survey looking actively for work.
b) Unemployed who previously worked: They are the persons with a work experience, who during the week preceding the survey were actively looking for a job

This table does not include persons seeking work for the first time

2. Institution which provides data

Qatar Statistics Authority (QSA), Ministry of Development Planning and Statistics
( for website in English; for website in Arabic)

3. Data availability

The Statistics Authority conducted the first labour Force Sample Survey in 2001. Starting from 2006, the execution of these surveys came to be on annual basis. Quarterly publications of Labour Force Surveys’ data are also available since 2012.
Most Labour Force Surveys and publications related to the labour force are available on QSA’s website, in PDF format. LFS 2013 can be downloaded from:
See also Qatar Information Exchange for earlier Labour Force Surveys. QIX has also an interactive data base compiling data on the labour force taken from available surveys:

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