Gulf Labour Markets, Migration, and Population (GLMM) Programme

An international independent, non-partisan, non-profit programme hosted and supported by the Gulf Research Center. The programme provides data, analyses, and recommendations contributing to the improvement of understanding and management of Gulf labour migration, population, and labour markets, engaging with and respecting the viewpoints of all stakeholders.
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Economically active population (15 years and above) by nationality (Qatari/ non-Qatari), sex and educational level (2012)

Qataris  Non-Qataris Total
Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females Total
Illiterate 267 36 303 36,067 4,371 40,438 36,334 4,407 40,741
Read & Write 1,919 618 2,537 276,152 11,551 287,703 278,071 12,169 290,240
Primary 3,622 370 3,992 169,677 25,862 195,539 173,299 26,232 199,531
Preparatory 9,097 987 10,084 235,614 39,329 274,943 244,711 40,316 285,027
Secondary 18,854 6,833 25,687 169,808 19,314 189,122 188,662 26,147 214,809
Pre U. Diploma 1,835 627 2,462 53,465 3,701 57,166 55,300 4,328 59,628
University 17,703 16,491 34,194 159,759 33,439 193,198 177,462 49,930 227,392
Higher Diploma 613 384 997 5,483 770 6,253 6,096 1,154 7,250
M.A / M.Sc. 1,371 488 1,859 8,772 1,764 10,536 10,143 2,252 12,395
Ph.D. 460 238 698 2,935 547 2,739 3,395 785 4,180
Total 55,741 27,072 82,813 1,117,732 140,648 1,257,637 1,173,473 167,720 1,341,193

Source: Labour Force Bulletin 2012, Qatar Statistics Authority




1. Technical Notes and Definitions


Sampling frame of LFB 2012: Population Census 2010.

Sample size: 6895 households and 37629 individuals from: 1- Qatari households; 2- Non-Qatari regular (non-collective) households; 3- Non-Qatari small collective households (2 – 6 persons); 4- Non-Qatari large collective households (7 persons or more).

Reference period for data collection: April 2012.

Reference period for the labor force data: the week prior to the reference period for data collection (April 2012).

Population of reference: all Qatari and non-Qatari households present in Qatar on the night of survey, living in normal and collective households.

The collective households are a group of persons not related to each other and sharing living conditions in a residential unit, I.e. labor camps, students living boarding schools, nurses in hospitals… etc. The survey covered the small collective households (includes less than 7 persons) and large collective households (includes 7 persons or more).

The survey did not cover short periods accommodation, i.e. hotels.


The table refers to the economically active population: People in the working age including employed and unemployed.

Employed population:

Persons aged 15 years an above, who during the week preceding the survey:

a) Perform a work for a wage, salary, profits or household gains, whether it was in cash or in kind.

b) Are temporarily not employed, however, they still have an official relation with their work

The table refers to employed workers (15 years or older) having worked no less than one hour during the week prior to data collection day in April 2012.


Unemployed population:

All persons aged 15 years and over who were, during the week preceding the survey, without work and were willing to work and looking seriously for work.

There is a distinction between two kinds of unemployed persons:

a) First time unemployed: They are the persons who never worked previously, and were during the week preceding the survey looking actively for work.

b)Unemployed who previously worked: They are the persons with previous experience work and during the week preceding the survey were actively looking for work.

The present table does not include the persons seeking work for the first time


2. Institution which provides data


Qatar Statistics Authority (QSA)

( for website in English; for website in Arabic)


3. Data availability


The Statistics Authority conducted the first labor Force Sample Survey in 2001. Starting from 2006, the execution of these surveys came to be on annual basis.

Most Labour Force Surveys and publications related to the labour force are available on QSA’s website, in PDF format and can be downloaded from:

Annual Bulletin of the Labour Force survey 2012 is available in PDf and Excel formats:


See also Qatar Information Exchange, an interactive data base compiling data on the labour force taken from available surveys:


Date of access: March 2014.



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